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March 8, 1995 - 9:28 AM

At this moment, we've finally found it. The Ironworks Scrapyards. We immediately saw Skarloey strapped onto a flatbed and his mouth was covered with clothing. He was trying to say something almost as if he was trying to warn us to turn back and run as fast as we could.

We were immediately surrounded by the anthropomorphic soldiers with weapons at all ends. I remember myself saying "this is it for me".

Suddenly, a voice from the crowd of soldiers emerged.

"Settle down men, you weren't supposed to make them feel harmed." Said the monkey.

"Who are you?" Asked Percy nervously. "I am Hugo, General Hugo, mucho gusto." Said Hugo. "What is he saying?" Asked Thomas.

"It's Spanish for 'nice to meet you'." Corrected Wilson. "It's nice to have polite guests, but it is advised that you shouldn't have dynamite with you." Said Hugo who noticed the dynamite vans. "Ok fine you win. What do you want?" Asked Toby. "Why our leader wishes to have a small chat with you all." Said Hugo. "Stand down men, let them feel welcomed." Said Hugo. The hybrid suddenly jumped atop Percy with one of Owen's guns pointed at Hugo. "Careful now little girl, you wouldn't want to hurt someone would you." Said Hugo calmly.

She then let her gun down and backed down into Thomas' cab nervously. "Ahh Number 1, she seems to like you." Said Hugo. The group was led into the area which seemed a lot cleaner than the scrapyards the engines all knew and loathed. Several different species of the creatures had cleaned the area with several of the locals staring at them. "I'm sure you have many questions." Said Hugo. Percy then whistled loudly. "Ahhh, do you have a question, Number 6?" Asked Hugo. "Where are our friends?" Asked Percy with quite a stern expression. "So Lieutenant Daidus, it seems you have disobeyed my orders three times now. How many times do I have to tell you that you aren't supposed to harm those we find here or telling you that it isn't ok to manipulate someone who lost their own brother?" Asked Hugo with concern.

"Sorry general, I had the idea that they were part of the enemy here to capture or kill more of us. And how did you know about that Caledonian engine?" Responded Daidus. "Some other civilians let us know about it, don't let me catch you doing that again. And as for your friends, some of them are in there, I'm terribly sorry that we had to harm them like this." Said Hugo. He led the engines to a shed where all the captured engines were. They found James, Stanley, and Dean within the pile who had a large amount of their parts ripped off. "If you want to know where everyone else is they're in that cell over there." One of the soldiers pointed to a room that contained several humans inside including Marty, Adam, and Martin. Some other engines were there as well such as Duck, Arthur, and all the other engines that had been confirmed to be captured.

"Any more questions?" Oliver then blew his whistle. "Yes 11?" "What even are you or your species?" Asked Oliver. "Oliver, why would you ask that question out of everything? Why not 'do you wish to harm us?" Asked Joseph. "I'm not sure what to say!" Said Oliver. "Sometimes I thought I was the dumber brother." Grunted Joesph.

"Not polite my blue friend. Anyways to add to your question, all of us are creations from the lord above. Mother Nature is always working, either to enhance old species or create new ones such as hybrids, and sometimes she creates something that meets all her expectations. Our entire population is something created by her." Explained Hugo. "Why Number 1 mind quickly bringing the kid over here?" Asked Hugo.

"It's Thomas, but ok I guess?" Thomas got out of the line and chuffed over to Hugo as the hybrid got out. "Ah so you've been taking care of a Yurei, it's honestly sad since her siblings survived but her mother died shortly after laying her last egg." Said Hugo with a hint of depression in his voice.

The Mist - Thomas and Friends AU (ANOTHER REWRITE COMING NOT SOON)Where stories live. Discover now