042 | writing down more history

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After Jay's coronation a couple of days ago, hasn't it gone a day without Jay being busy. And now when Jay officially has the title as fire lord is there a lot more work to do compared to what it was before his coronation. I'm still helping and accompanying Jay whenever he needs and wants it, but it feels different now after his coronation.

At first I followed Jay around just to accompany him and maybe share my ideas and thoughts, but it seems like everyone expects me to be wherever Jay is. It does make sense why because I am wherever Jay is, but I have started to suspect that people sees it from a new perspective.

This is going to be the first time in a while me and Jay are going to be separated from each other. Jay is bringing Jun with him to the Fire Nation's military since Jun is soon going to be in charge of the military. Many people will suspect that the only reason why Jay is allowing Jun to be in charge of the military is because they're best friends, and that's a lie.

Jay has become the youngest fire lord in the Fire Nation history, and Jun will soon become the youngest leader of the Fire Nation military. It feels like Jay really enjoys writing down new history. 

So while Jay and Jun are spending time together with the Fire Nation military, what am I supposed to do then? My original plan was to walk around in the capital city and just explore it, but the guards of the Royal Palace stopped me. They say it's better if I stay here and if I want to go somewhere I should wait until Jay comes back.

But fortunately, I'm not gonna be left alone in boredom since someone is coming to see me. I don't know who it is but according to the guards is it someone who needs to deliver important information to me.

I walked into one of the huge meeting rooms and spotted an unfamiliar woman sitting around the table. When the woman saw me too, she immediately stood up and bowed.

"Your highness" The woman said while she still bowed.

"Your highness?" I replied confused.

"Is there anything wrong?" The woman asked.

"No it's not, I was just not expecting to be called highness" I said and scratched my neck while I let out a small chuckle.

"You will get used to it, don't worry" The woman replied and smiled back at me.

"Get used to it?" I repeated confused.

"You and Fire Lord Jay will soon get married which means you're going to be a part of the royal family. That's why you're meeting me, so I can teach you about our culture and history since I have heard that you're not from the Fire Nation" The woman said.

Me and Jay are going to get married soon? That's a very important thing I would like to know before this. Is that the reason why I have been treated so differently after Jay's coronation? Almost the entire Fire Nation population saw us holding hands but does that necessarily mean we're going to get married soon?

Neither have me or Jay discussed our relationship status with each other. But honestly, it would feel hard and difficult to call Jay just a friend after everything.

"Excuse me a second, I need to talk to Jay really quick" I said and slowly started to walk out from the room. 

I left the meeting room and immediately started to look after Jay. I feel mean for leaving the woman there alone in a situation like this, but I can't wait until later to talk with Jay about this. I spotted a few men wearing military uniform and I automatically fasted my steps.

"Excuse me" I said.

The men immediately turned around and looked shocked when they saw me. They all bowed and called me your highness, generally acting like the woman I just met a few seconds ago.

"Do any of you know where Jay is? I need to talk with him" I asked.

"I think he's somewhere around the air balloon parking, do you want us to show you the way?" One of them answered and I nodded.

I followed them through the hallways and then outside towards the place Jay and his father fought. Compared to when I was here last time, it was packed with air balloons but now it's empty. They told me it's because Jay had ordered the majority of the military to go through all the prisoners and bring back home those who don't belong there.

Which means they're going to bring back home all the earthbenders.

"Fire Lord Jay?" One of the men called Jay when we spotted him.

Jay immediately turned around after hearing his name. A wide smile appeared on his face when he saw me. Jay thanked the men who brought me here, and as soon as they had turned their backs around, Jay pulled me into a hug and left a kiss on my cheek.

"It hasn't been that long since we last saw each other" I said while I chuckled.

"I know but it's hard to be away from someone you love" Jay said and removed hair from my face.

"You Jay.. Have you heard something about marriage?" I asked to change the conversation subject.

"Marriage? Who's getting married?" Jay asked confused.

"Our marriage, we're getting married soon" I said.

Jay looked at me more confused than he was before. It seems like the ones who are going to get married don't even know it. But I'm relieved to know that Jay didn't know either that we're going to get married soon, or else I would be really disappointed that he didn't tell me about it. 

"But are you fine with it? It's very sudden and it's totally fine if you're not ready for marriage yet" Jay asked worried.

"I think I need to think about it before making a decision. I just found out about our marriage a few minutes ago so I need some time to think about it" I answered.

"But Jay.. Let's pretend that we're getting married and then have a child together.. What if our child is an earthbender? An earthbender can't be the fire lord?" I responded.

"You know that you can have more than one child right?" Jay responded with a chuckle.

"Of course I know that, but it for some reason feels illegal for you to marry and have a child with someone who isn't from the Fire Nation" I said.

"I understand what you mean and it's not illegal for me to marry and have a child with someone who isn't from the Fire Nation.. Anymore. Changing that law was actually one of the first things I did as fire lord" Jay replied with a smile.

I'm gonna be honest. I have been thinking a lot about me and Jay's future together, including marriage and a child. And the thought of me and Jay not being allowed to get married and have a child together because I'm from the Earth Kingdom have been haunting my thoughts lately.

Just like I said earlier, it would feel hard and difficult to call Jay just a friend after everything. I can't see him as just a friend.

"I don't think I need more time to think, I have made my decision" I said with a smile.

Jay smiled back while he put my body closer to his by once again wrapping his arms around my torso. Both of our heads moved closer to each other and let our lips meet in the middle. Jay slowly lifted my feets up from the ground, making me levitate while we continued to hold the kiss.

"I love you Aeji" Jay said after we broke the kiss.

"I love you too Jay" I replied.

i'm only two chapters away
from completing this book..
that's insane omg  O_O

LUCIFER EFFECT | Jay ParkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora