Part 131

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[Portia ]

This is probably a bad idea but I need my sister  more than ever now in weeks times I will be 9 months pregnant and I can not give birth while there is bad blood between us so it's now or never , I still had a spear key to her flat so I made my way in made myself food and waited for her , she walked in after some hours since I got there , I opened my eyes I had passed out on the couch , we locked eyes and she tried to avoid me but I was not having it
Me : “ seat down we need to talk “
She folded her hands and look at me
me : “ suit yourself and stand ke “
her : “ it's pretty risky for you to travel around in that state you in how did you even get here? , and you all alone! , what were you thinking?“
me : “  I rather die trying to resolve our differences  than just let this slide , I’m sorry Sindy ok, for not listening to you , for being selfish , stubborn and acting out , I don’t know what came over me .... “
I breath out loud
“ I know my behavior  was just ratchard and I acted out of corrector and yes I regret it  but I swear to god I did not know that Zweli was abusing Cici , I only found out when Gugu decided to run her mouths few weeks back , I felt so ashamed I mean I was the cause of it  ”
looked down , she was not responding or saying anything which means my explanation are going in vain
Me : “ all I’m trying to say is that I ... “
Her : “ you acted like a slut , whore ... bitch .. home racker .. loose panty dropper ... a horny.... “
Me : “ wow ... I get it ... i get it ok! “
Her : seqa mqwaqo , nondindwa   and yes I’m mad at you ... I’m angry at you ... you could have done that with any man in this world but you decided to do it with Zweli ... fuck girl that just low “
Me : “ I know “ I mumbled
She walked pass me to kitchen  “ you cooked?  .”
I nodded
Me : “ ya , I was hungry “
Her : “ don’t give yourself too much credit for making Zweli the abusive guy , it was bound to happen ...the guy had a rough childhood , and his father is the cause of his behavior ,  if the tables were turned you will be the one getting the beating every night , and I feel sorry for Cici but all signs were there but she chose to stay “
Me : “its that bad?  “
She nodded , wow I did not know ... I once experience Zweli wrath and I decided to leave him , he will shout at me , push me around and even force himself on me , I got away but I don’t know what possessed me to start sleeping with him again , I guess every girl always run back to her first
Me : “ I  feel so bad now ... I feel like my mom ... “
Her : “ you acted like her yes .. but i'm glad you saw wrong in it ... “
Maybe I should just close my legs till my baby start school or something
Her : “I’m sorry I was mad for so long , I just felt like I was believing my whole childhood experience with this love triangle you had , it was wrong of me to shut you out ... I’m sorry ... but nawe awuzwa mani “
She sat next to me and we hugged
“  yazi I suspect Zweli put something on his dick that made me want him so much “
We shared a laughed
Her : “  so this living arrangement how we're you going to do it when the baby is born ? because i can not stand a whining baby ... im a medical student and my grades come first sisiwe   “
I looked at her and dropped my mouth , her mouth formed a side smile , which caused me to yell at her
Me : “ come on Sindy don’t play like than mani !"
Her : “ classic..... you wanted  to cry  “
we cracked up and laughed , she dished up for us I can never say no to food anyways and we ate busy catching up, I now realise how at fault I was messing with Zweli , Sindy talked a lot of sense, how can I make my pussy do the thinking more than my brain , I can not believe that I  turned out to be like my mom the women I hate will all my being yaaak!  , I was a side cheek who hold all the ranks in a man's heart and I miss used that to benefit my needs , honestly speaking fam I never wanted to be in a relationship with Zweli , his toxic and too demanding for my liking , I like fucking him though with no strings attached , the man has too much baggage for me to carry , I can not baby him and this baby I’m carrying also, so I made a conscious decision that from now on I’m cutting all ties with him, yes I have feelings for my baby daddy but I just don’t love him the way I used to when we were still dating.
Me : I miss Nkonzo yazi . “
She looked at me and than focused back on the road she was driving me home
Her : “ you need to start going to church to see him you know “
Me : “ I cant, I feel so ashamed I mean I cheated on a good man , and  look at the result, I’m pregnant , and the father of the baby still has not consulted with my family to pay for damages for this thing inside me
Sindy :” wow ... so he's just going to get you pregnant and then just  expect to be a perfect father ? “
Me : “ its takes any man to make a baby , but it takes a real man to be a father , so don’t call him a father because his far from being one  “
She laughed
“ its true love I feel you , did you perhaps tell him about his responsibility ? “
Me :why should I?  he suppose to know mos , he knocked me up ... we not married nje, we African and this things need to be done , Dad is so disappointed in me its not even funny , and Xolani is just mocking me every chance he gets , like really how stupid can I be to fall pregnant with Zweli baby , the guy just love how tight my pussy holds his panis "
Sindy bust out and laughed
“ yoo Popo you crazy shame ... and this baby got you talking with no filter I see “
I laughed , she parked the car outside my house , got out to open my door for me and helped me out ,
Her : “ tomorrow we going to do pedi and meni and that hair looks scary , so we doing that to ,”
We hugged and I smiled
Me : “ thank you zalo “
Her : “ say hi to your father for me ... and be ready at 12 : 00 not 12 :30 ok “
She held my cheeks and yep I’m older than her but she act so grown up , I waved goodbye at her as she drove off
[Zweli ]

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