Part 22

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I drove my Aunt to my dad’s house after church I was driving her car, she off a bit off, did not talk the way she used to, and was miles away

Me: so Anti, do you mind me asking ?"
She nodded
Me: why are going to my dad's house today, is it something to do with me"
Her: haybo Zola I can not visit my brother now, just to see how he's doing ?"

She was hiding something my Aunt never visit my dad unless it was
very urgent
Me: ok, I hope you do not expect me to accompany you, because I’m not welcome in that house"
Her: when are you resolving your issues with your dad vele? "

Me: Anti, mina I forgave my father a long time ago, but healing is a process."

Her: I see, but as his child, you need to make the first step "
Me: I tried, I told her that I forgave him for everything that happened, and told him that I will drop all charges, but he called me all sort of names and dropped call on me, so with him he is just too ignorant to even realize that he was the one
that did the most unforgivable thing"

Her: I see, but never give up trying he is your father after all, except him with all the flaws "
Me: I will try "
Her: so wena and Langa? do you see the future? "
Me: Anti I really? I don’t feel o’right talking about this stuff with you "
Her: that why you fell pregnant at 16th because you did not have a person who you can talk to about boys "
I bite my lip nodding
Me:  to answer your question yes maybe, but after I finish varsity"
Her: you still want to be Doctor? "
I nodded,
Her: why you and Mpume want to be Dr vele?
Me: I guess great minds think alike "

We laugher, we talked about the weather gossiped about our neighbors till I finally dropped her off. I looked at my house and felt a bit sad but I can not
change the hands of time, I hope one day my father will forgive me
[Zoe’s Aunt ]

I knocked and the maid open,

Maid: sowbona Sisi, ubhuthi is in the sitting room "
I nodded and walked to the sitting room, Zanele jumped off his father lap when she saw me and came running
Her : Anti ... Anti !!"
I kissed her chubby cheeks and hugged her she was growing very fast,
Me: hallo sisi "

She greeted me back and I hugged her again, I asked her to go to her room because I wanted to speak with her dad and was going to see her before I leave. She nodded and ran off, Sandile was sitting by the window looking over the
the window I guess she saw Zoe when she dropped me off

Him: she can drive now ?"
Me: Sandile, didn’t your mother teach you how to greet? "
he looked at me,
Him: Ntombi, you scarcely make casual visits, so shono ufunani? must I pay you maintenance for Nokuzola ?"
Me: next, I can take care of her I do not need your help"
He raised his eyebrow, he gave me the look to talk, he is so difficult, I breath in and looked up asking God to give me strength
Me: it's about Zoe"
Him: I knew it, usenzeni she is such a disappointment."
He stood up
Me: can you just shut up and listen and stop jumping to conclusion mani !!! "

I was slowly losing my cool, he set down and looked at me
Me: I received a call from the Dlamini’s and they want to pay for damages and cleans the house and bahlawule

Him:INI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Me: yes and you need to agree on it,"
He looked at me and at the floor, his facial expression changed I could not read him,
Him: why? did you ask them to do this ?"
Me: off cos not! Langa’s father called and they want to do the right thing "
Him: do they know the shame that girl gave me sleeping with a person I considered my friend, for a month till she fell pregnant, and on top of it she hides her shameful ways to me and doesn't tell me who impregnated her, and Langa
took advantage of my girls innocent"

Me: Sandile, I fully understand you upset but ...' he cut me off
Him: upset you you say, I’m fucken mad, Langa wants to rub it in my face how tight my daughters pussy was that he has to pay for it and thank me, wena how could
you allowed this mockery to go on"
Me: its tradition"
Him: fuck you Ntombi, a tradition for fuck sake he was 20 when he was shagging my daughter who was only 15 at that time it was illegal "

Zweli: like what you doing with Cici in front of us, luckily for you she was pregnant full term till she gave birth, but you took that away from Zoe, who was judging you then, who came to you and told you it was illegal? "

Sandile was livid and if he was a balloon he would have busted by now he looked at his son whom I do not know when did he come in
Sandile:uthini wena ?"
Zweli: you never paid any damages for non of your children, and when good people want to do the right thing for your daughter you want to chase them away, what kind of father are you, Zoe did a mistake by sleeping with an older guy and even falling in love with him that I understand, but what good example did you set for her, when you bought home girls that are close to her age and fucking them senseless in this house for everyone to see..."

Sandile slapped Zweli so hard that he fell down and started bleeding through his nose.
Zweli: anti-Asambe, he will not agree to this, sokhuluma nobaba omdala,"

Zweli looked at me, I stood up and looked at my brother who was so angry
Sandile: fuck you all and get the fuck out of my house, I’m not giving this shit you about to do my blessing "
Me: as if you know God, you bustard "

Sandile: fuck off mani!!


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