Part 51

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Part 51

[ Pam]

Pam: "what going on here?
Trey: not now Pam !, Sindy go fix this mass!"
Sindy: she started it why must I fix it?"
Trey: I'm not asking you!"
she mumbles something and made her way to the bathroom
Trey: I need a drink, SBU let's go and Pam please make Pap will bring meat"
I folded my arms and looked at him, I was about to say something, but Sbu placed his finger on my mouth he then kissed my forehead and walked out with Trey.

what just happened? I hate that Trey speaks with so much authority these days, my little brother is really grown-up, there was a lot of wailing coming from the bathroom, I decided to go change and freshen up and allow the girls to cool down when I came back the girls were seated on the couch holding hands,

me: you good?"
they just nodded while Mpume fake a smile, I wanted to know what was going on, but I'm not gonna go all detectives on the poor girls,
me: ice cream? "
Sindy: you read my mind" we laughed, I took out tin roof from the fridge and three spoons, we dug in
Sindy: So you and Sbu ... wow girl I'm happy for you "

I smiled we were seating on the 3 seated couch, with Mpume in the middle and she was holding the ice cream tub,

me: yap sesi on!"
mpume: you made him Wait why vele?"
me: you never rush love Sisi you wait for the right time to open up your heart to a person "
Sindy: wow that's deep, so you learned to love him"
me: nop it was love at first sight but I was fighting my feelings for him, there was too much going on in my life when he showed up, so I waited for the right opportunity and this was it"
I smiled because I loved the feeling I get when I talk about SbU the way he makes my soul sing
Mpume: you glowing Sisi"
Sindy : it must be the dick "
Mpume: oww shut up! sindy not everything is about sex "
me: I disagree, it sure is" I high five Sindy wow that girl is so wild but has the most innocent look, I like her


we bought meat and some drinks, well Sbu did all the buying, he felt like he needs to celebrate that he is now dating the most beautiful girl on earth, not my words his OK.
we decided to have few drinks before driving back,

him: I always wanted to ask you this ?"
me: what ?"
him:" Pam tells me you not dating no one and it has been a year, what is the deal behind it?"
this was an uncomfortable topic for me, my past relationship killed me and I did not want to relieve that moment at all

me: I'm not gay, but my past relationship did not end well, I'm still trying to pick up my life"
him: I feel you bro, but at least Bamba amatoho"
me: what ??'
him: there are a lot of girls out there that are not looking for serious thing"
I laughed this dud is crazy,
him: all I'm saying that live a little, you too young to be serious"
me: the last time I tried doing that I almost got killed, "
Him: what?"
I laughed shaking my head
Me: first few months in Durban met this hot chic down the block, I was feeling her she was feeling me, one day she visited me shit happened as she slept over ..."
Him: what!"
Me: worst part Pam busted us and was on my case for sleeping with a 14-year-old girl ..."
Him: ooh shit !"
Me: as if that was not enough the girl father was a notorious gangster "
Him: bloody hell ...god damn it, Trey !"
Me: Girl was virgin and his father wanted my head here I was chase by gangsters, Pam and I had to relocate to another apartment so trust me when I say I'm taking a break from girls"

Him: fuck bro that was a movie right there "

me: yap, and now I have this calling stuff to sort out, to be honest, I got it bad "
he nodded, his phone rang and he answered he was speaking to Zweli, he places the call on hold and looked at me

him: Zweli wants to hang out can he join us ?"
me: cool with me, but he must bring his own Booz "
Sbu laughed "you so sting", we laughed out loud, finished our drinks, and drove back home

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