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    "I want you to dress properly and put on your best ladylike behavior!" Mom yelled.

  I sighed, sick.
It never gets worse than when your parents set you up to marry their best friend's son, trust me. I knew there was no way out of this.
  I shouldn't have come back home until tomorrow and escape the stupid dinner!
Too late, now I'm supposed to wear a girly dress and play Miss perfect-future-wife infront of the Michigans. Shit.

   I grabbed the blue dress Mom picked for me and headed to change.

The Michigan's son, Alfred, had finally came back to Applewood after finishing his studies in England ... all set and ready to marry the one girl his parents wanted him to marry a.k.a Me.
Stupid, right?

   I mean- who even sets up their children's spouses anymore? Well, our antiquated parents, that's who. How do I even marry a guy I don't know?? When your parents plan it up, that's how.
Not to mention, I'm fucking gay. Jesus. I need some wine.

  I grimaced, staring at myself on the mirror. Mom walked in and with a proud smile on her face, she french-braided my hair.

  I wasn't a dress person and everybody knew that. I felt completely perfect in my sweatpants, hoodies, and my hair down. I hated this.

"You look beautiful", Dad said when he saw me come down the stairs. Mom even wanted to add a dash of make up on me but No, enough disgusting me for one day. Unless they want me to change my mind entirely (like how I was supposed to in the first place).

   The Michigans ding-donged at exactly 9pm.  Punctual much?

"Get the door, Mason", Mom told Dad, who immediately complied.

"Time to welcome our beloved guests", she led the way and next thing I know, we were fake smiling and greeting people I hadn't seen before.

  Colgate smiles contrasted beautiful chocolate skin and golden brown eyes.

The woman was first to shake my hand.
"Hello, I'm Sheina", she was obviously the mother.

  After her came a bald man .. " Hey there, beautiful.. I'm Alfred's father, Milton Michigan."

"Nice to meet you both.", they had this superior aura around them that reminded me of burnt down castles and everlasting dynasties. Where the hell did I get that silly idea was beyond me.

"Pleasure is all ours", he smiled. "You have no idea how excited we were to see how beautiful our future daughter-in-law had grown up to be."


Was it wrong to puke on your future father-in-law's damn face? Because I was starting to consider it.
  Too bad the actress in me had taken the steer so I ended up fake blushing and pretended to be flustered.

"Hi", a guy who looked the same age as me finally sauntered in.

"Hello", I greeted.
It didn't take a brain surgeon to realize that he was, alas, the great young lord Alfred that everybody had been pestering me about. Or should I say ... ahem ... My dear future husband?

  He was a handsome lad, I'll give him that ... and wow, he didn't carry the whole 'we're-super-excited-for-the-wedding' fervour that his parents had going on. Which was good news to my lost soul.

  Anybody with common sense could tell they had forced him into the whole 'rich, young, and handsome' attire. Heck, he looked so uncomfortable in those dress shoes I was dying to tell him to take them off.

  Hopefully, we would get along so we could tackle this whole 'planned marriage' fiasco together.

  I was about to push the door closed when,  "WAIT!" , a voice called from outside. Another one?

   Then the most beautiful girl I've ever seen walked in.

"Almost forgotten, as usual." , she pulled on a sarcastic little chuckle which made Mr. and Mrs. Michigan shoot her irritated glances.

  For a second, I could swear the girl was some celestial creature.
Yep, she was that outstandingly exquisite.

  Standing an inch taller than me with dreadlocks cascading down her slim waist.  Her eyes the darkest brown I've ever seen. Nose firm, lips full, and ears wildly pierced. Dressed in a short black flared dress with a belt, and boots on feet. It reminded me of a witch costume for Halloween.

"Close the door, Colette", Dad's voice pulled me out of my daze. I did, my eyes still fixed on the girl.

   The parents had began chatting and I followed my parent's instructions from earlier and took the seat next to terrified-looking Alfred.  Couldn't blame him.

"I'm Cole", I introduced myself.

"Colette", Mom corrected. Just great, I wasn't even allowed to decide my own name.

I rolled my eyes as she and Dad led Mr. and Mrs. Michigan to the kitchen.

  This was the part where they left us alone so I could have a talk with my 'husband'. Yuck.

"I'm Ally ", he said after the 'adults' disappeared.  Just by that, I knew we'd be on the same page.

"And I'm Riri ", the girl dropped herself between us excitedly.

  She smelled like ginger and I immediately wanted a taste of h-

"For the last time, you're NOT Riri.", Alfred gave her a little smack.

"Of course I am.", she bickered. " If you can be Ally and She can be Cole then damn it- I'm Rihanna"

"You're not Rihanna!"

"Yeah, but George thinks I look like Rihanna!"

Who's George?

"No, You do NOT -you aren't even that pretty", he marked.

"Yeah yeah, you ain't no shit big bro, how about we ask your wife?"

It wasn't until she said that did it finally register who she was ... ... Shit.
She was Alfred's sister!

I stared at her, dumbfounded. Why didn't anybody mention her before?

"You're ... prettier than Rihanna. ", I admitted, making her do a funny happy-dance on top of - Oh my God- Did she just climb on top of the table?!

"See, bro? See??! ", she screamed excitedly at her brother who just rolled his eyes. If Mom sees her put her dirty boots on that cloth she's bound to be crippled.

  She jumped back on the floor and as if on cue, Mom peeked in from the kitchen.

"Time for dinner, lovelies!"

"At your service, Momma-in-law!", the girl replied, shocking both me and my mother but ... Okay.

"C'mon guys, I'm starving", she rushed to the kitchen as if she had been living here for ages.

I was stuck there, ... entranced.

"She's beautiful, isn't she?", ... Alfred's question dragged me back to reality.
We were standing side by side ...

Was it safe to tell your fiance (technically) that you're into his sister?
Maybe not but I like testing the waters by diving right in so I nodded.

"George is, too.", he murmured after a moment of silence, smiling.
It took me a while to register what he was saying and when it finally did I couldn't hide the excitement in my eyes.

"You're gay?", I asked.

He gave a shy nod.
Fuck, this was a dream come true.

"Me too." ,I couldn't keep the smile off my face, and together, we went for dinner.




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