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  Lindsey Medalla despised my guts and the feeling was mutual. I don't even know how it started but as high school seniors, I couldn't care less.

Like some kind of joke, we always ended up going to the same schools. Since kindergarten! It made me think maybe our guardians were secretly friends or something but no.

The Medallas? Rumors said they were drug dealers and did money laundry through their super market.
The supermarket I didn't know belonged to them until I got a part-time job there.  Shit. One more less place to see her fucking face!

Ugh. I couldn't drop out though,  I desperately needed the money. I was ready to hold on for other extra three hours after school with my biggest rival just to earn something that will loosen Graunt Linda's burden of taking care of 19 year old me.

My father denied me from the day I was born and my mother was a hooker who had better things to do so she dumped me at my Grandma's sister's house.  Hey, at least she didn't throw me into the dumpster.

" You look like shit", Graunt Linda eyed me as soon as I walked in.
" I told you to quit that job, sweetheart. I'm the adult here and the provider of this house. Not you"

Yes, working after school left me exhausted but no way was I leaving it all to Linda. She was just an underpaid nurse. My help was everything she needed.

" Good evening to you too, Grauntie", I greeted, taking my boots off and heading for the kitchen. I placed my grocery bags on the counter, washed my hands, and began preparing dinner because I knew she must be hungry.

" Darling, how about you go take a shower first? I can deal with that y'know", she stopped me.

" It's okay I'll do it. I'll shower later, you need to eat first-"

" No no no", she touched my shoulder. "Don't worry, Just go"

I sighed, ignoring my weariness. School was horribly tiring, then three hours at Medalla's supermarket getting bossed around by stupid Lindsey just made my life a living hell.

Lindsey ... just the sound of her name made me wanna pass out. It was hard to ignore all the thoughts in my head ... Like when she called me a useless bitch after we lost the game.

She was the cheerleading captain and I just happened to be the football captain. Just great. Another opportunity for her to terrorize me.

" It's all Olivia's fault we lost! The couch should find someone better at catching balls, not miss goody-goody with clumsy hands over here!", that's what she said whenever we failed but when we won, it was all 'Thanks to the cheerleaders' outstanding efforts'!

Fuck. So I hit her, okay? Was that too much? Just two punches, I swear.

Anyway, she ended up with a bleeding nose at the nurse's office and I missed the rest of my classes begging the headmistress not to suspend me.

I met the bitch again at work after school and she obviously assigned me unnecessary chores at the cheque desk just for payback. Her face was ruined, alright? Thanks to my almighty fists and no, I was never going to apologize to that she-devil!

" Go on, sweetheart. It's okay", Grauntie kept insisting but the more I thought about Lindsey the more I felt the urge to justify my usefulness.
Why the fuck did her opinion even affect me so much?!

" No, I'll do it, Grauntie. Go rest"

" God lord", the old woman stared at me with pity. " Was it another bad hair day with that Lindsey girl again?"

I just wanted to cry the second I heard her name.

I wanted to shrug it off, say it's nothing  but I was so overwhelmed with anger I needed to let it all out so ...
I nodded.

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