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Draco walks over and kisses your cheek and then kisses your hand

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Draco walks over and kisses your cheek and then kisses your hand

"How are you feeling?" Draco asks and you take a deep breath

"Tired, I can barely walk anymore, and I'm not even 9 months yet! Like triplets is so hard to carry around." You say and Draco kisses your neck

"I bet it's hard, don't worry I'll be doing all my work from home now, because you need my help." Draco says and you nod as he sits on the couch beside you as you were always just so tired

'I'm glad I'm almost done with being pregnant, just a few more months and we're done carrying these three around all day. I just want to be done with being pregnant already.'

|Months later|

Draco was in bed with you as you were asleep and he was looking over work stuff

But then you woke up gasping in pain and Draco looks over worriedly

You then stopped shocked as Draco kept asking what's wrong are you ok? What's wrong over and over

"My water broke." You say and Draco then panicked inside as he stayed calm on the outside and checked to see how far a long you are

"Y/n." Draco says as he looked at you shocked as you were in a lot of pain

"Yeah?" You say and Draco looked panicked now

"Your in labour right now." Draco says and he wished he realized earlier, but the pain you were feeling woke you up

But he wished he realized because he has no time to get you to a hospital now

So he just helps you the best he could

'Well it seems I have to help y/n give birth to the triplets, I can't leave her alone and I can't get help, I am terrified right now but I have to help y/n.'


You were laying on the bed so tired as a healer was now here

It's been awhile and once the triplets were born Draco left to get someone

Two were laying on you as the healer checks on you and the triplets

Draco was kissing your forehead as you were so sleepy and just wanted to sleep

Scorpius walks in and was shocked as he sees you with two babies on you and Draco was holding one of them

"Oh." Scorpius says and Draco looks over

"Hey, couldn't get y/n to the hospital so she gave birth here." Draco says as he looks at the little baby in his arms

"Oh I see, so like are they all girls? Or all boys?" Scorpius asks and Draco looks back up at scorpius

"Two boys and one girl." Draco says and you nod as you felt like you were gonna pass out

Everything hurt but you didn't wanna sleep just keep looking at the triplets

"What's their names?"

"Oh their names are......"

And here's when you all get to name the triplets pick the names you like the best and the most voted ones I'll use

For the girl:

1: Amalthea

2. Astra

3. Larissa

4. Aquarius

For the boys:

1. Leo

2. Aries

3. Aster

4. Sky

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