Chapter 25

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"I have it all worked out." she quickly said.

"Mel, you came to Florida to get a degree, that was the deal that we all made."

"And I will, I promise, but being in a classroom studying something that I'm not interested in isn't the thing for me. I was miserable all of last year." she argued.

"The first year is always ..."

"No! You're not understanding me either." she shouted, walking away and copying my actions.

"Calm down, Mel ... talk to me." I sighed again, checking on the twins quickly before sitting back down.

"I'm good with the computer stuff but I'm not interested in what I'm studying now and being in a classroom with a bunch of other miserable students isn't for me. I have been thinking about this since last semester because I just didn't like it. The university offers online courses for education and I'm thinking that's what I want to do."

"Okay, education ... what level?"

"Elementary education! Hanging out with Jojo and the babies really opened my eyes to a different path. You keep talking about a sitter, looking for a solution to your going back to work problem. I can travel with you. The babies know me, Le knows me and trusts me, it's a win-win."

"I have to think about this and talk to Le."

"Mami too." she sheepishly stated.

"You told her?!"

"Yeah but she knows that you don't know or well, didn't know." she said.

"Aw hell, she really is gonna kill me."

"Anna, I didn't want to go to college, to begin with. I only went to get mom off of my back because all she wants is for us to make money."

"Mel ..."

"I know." she sighed again.

"When I was young and you and Cassandra were relative babies, we went hungry because mom didn't know how to save money. Your dad taught her so much and now, she wants to make sure you and Cassie don't ever go hungry. She might go about it all funky but she means the best." I told my little sister.

"I know, I really do, and I like to think that I'm good at money-saving. There's also the fact that I'm spoiled. You and dad have always paid for my everything so I can't really tell."

"I can and you've done very well." I smiled.

"How can you tell?"

"Mom, Mark, and I all spoke when you first asked to move our here. He was gonna get you an apartment but mine was empty so it was easier. Your dad has been monitoring your spending and I've been watching what you buy, too. I've watched you search for good quality over quantity, fashion, and peer pressure or brand naming. I've watched you walk away from something you want 5 times because you don't need it. I've encouraged you to splurge on occasion because you deserve it. Mel, babe, you have done so good on your own this year and I'm so proud of you. I just wish I had told you sooner." I said, hugging her.

"Thank you, I just ... I want to make you all proud." she sniffled.

"You do, we're all proud. So, have you spoken to your dad about this?"

"Yeah, he's not happy about it but he wants me to be happy and get an education."

"Okay, let's break it down, Mel. What were your plans after high school? What did you want to do?" I asked her.

"Cosmetology. I'm already certified from my weekend classes during senior year. I wanted to get certified in hair and makeup but focus more on makeup. Actually, I just finished another weekend course right before you gave birth." she smiled.

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