Chapter 14

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"Do you have to go?" Le asked.

"Yes, before I can't travel anymore." I said.

"Okay, I'll take you . . ."

"No, it's okay, I'll catch an Uber. Patricia and Sika have my rental. I know you have to go to the arena."

"Babe, I'm gonna take you." he insisted.

"Okay, you're gonna take me." I said, seeing his frustration in his eyes. "Le, what's wrong?" I asked, placing my hands on his cheeks.

"Nothing . . ."

"Mi amor, talk to me." I insisted.

"I just . . . time, missed time and now you're leaving again." he sighed.

"I blame you. Always trying to get me naked and you did get me naked 90% of the time. Here is the result of your overactive libido, Mr. Anoa'i." I smiled.

"Me? Have you looked at yourself in the mirror Mrs. Anoa'i? It's your fault I got an overactive libido, all your fault for being so damn fine." He growled, pulling me as close as my belly would allow.

"Le, it won't be like this forever. Come home soon." I whispered.

"I promise I will." he said, lowering his head to kiss me.

"I've gotta go."

"Don't remind me." he sighed.

Leaving was a lot harder than I wanted it to be. My husband stays in New Orleans, Jojo goes to Florida with her grandparents, and I'm going to New York. I've gotta get this last bit of business travel done and then this will be my last trip until after the babies arrive.

My New York project, this office is my new baby. Everything about this is catered to my thoughts and dreams and I'm loving it all. Mina is amazing and she's played such a huge role in the development of this office. We've been sitting here for hours and things have gone so smoothly thanks to all of her hard work. I haven't left the office at all because the guys don't feel comfortable with me walking around the site and I respect that.

"Okay, what if we leave the walls blank for clients to set up their preferences?" I asked Mina.

"I don't think so." she said, looking at one of the possible arrangements.

"Why not? Shoot your idea."

"I think we need the color in all rooms. I think we should set up an area where we allow the client to put all of their samples together but also have some prearranged samples up. We can create possible design options; different materials, styles, color schemes. That kind of thing."

"That's a really good idea." I said, having thought the same thing but I wanted to see if she got there on her own.

"Okay, so what areas?" she asked, smiling at me.

"Kitchen, bathroom and . . . Le? What are you doing here?" I asked my husband when he walked into the office.

"Hey babe." he smiled.

"I . . . what's going on? Is everyone okay?" I asked, quickly getting out of my seat . . . well quickly for me anyway.

"Calm down, everyone is fine." he said, walking over to kiss me.

"Then what are you doing here?"

"I'm here for you, we're going away."


"I'm dead serious babe, we're going away." He smiled.

"Mi amor, I can't leave. There's still so much to do and . . ."

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