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with rimuru

[veldora] so rimuru this is getting a little insane why are gods and angels becoming so common?

[Rimuru] i don't know Ciel do you know 

[Ciel] judging by the the strength of the gods and angels we have faced there is a high possibility that most of them are artificially created i believe that these so called gods are former arch angels while the angels are just former human knights and mages this true god might be faking his fighting force to ward off other universes from attacking .

[Rimuru] well Veldora someone's making them  just like we do in the labyrinth but on a massive scale 

[Veldora] i see that is a wasteful way to gain an army we do it with our spare magic  but to use it to gain an army the amount of magic you would need to create angel and gods level solders would weaken even us .

[Rimuru] hmm yes it would to force several evolutions at the same time is difficult and bad for any creatures heath if done wrong you would just create a mindless monster  makes me wonder about whos crazy enough to make them .

[Veldora] well no matter we'll just have to crush them oh it looks like those gods are waiting on us why through?

[Rimuru] couldn't hurt to ask them hello gods why are you here ?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           the five gods\

[god Sim] how dare you look upon the most beautiful goddess Ventra i should kill you now 

[god Lim] don't you dare taint her eyes with blood you fool we must wait for her to ask us to kill them 

[goddess Ventra] please boys chill out i might want them for my collection 

[god Thoth] (why an i here with these weirdos can they not see that they are being used the only normal one here is Rin

[goddess Rin] (those three make me want to kill them I'm not sure about Thoth he looks like he wants to be in the corner of a library) could you three shut it hello there we are here to ask that world to surrender at least that was my purpose what they are here for is to give me a headache .

[god Thoth] ah my reason to be  here is to make a report of all of their actions  .

[god sim] why the you talking to the enemy we should capture them for the goddess 

[goddess Rin] yea go ahead give it a shot i bet you will lose in less than five minutes against one of them ( those two are strange one is a true dragon we could handle him if teamed up but I'd rather fly into the sun before helping them and blue haired guy is odd i don't feel too much magic but there no  way that's true a true dragon would never team up with a weakling ) hey you blue hair what's your name .

[Rimuru] (these guys are bad at working together two of them seem to worship the goddess named Ventra well she is thicc but surely it takes more than that to make gods become like that) oh my name is Rimuru and my friend here is named Veldora what is yours .

[goddess Rin] my name is Rin and this is Thoth and those two are Sim, Lim and Ventra.

[goddess Ventra] that's enough chit chat become my pets or die .

[Veldora] ha why would we listen to weaklings .

[Rimuru] Veldora if you fight the ones named Thoth or Rin spare them they could provide us some valuable intel

[Ventra] attack them Lim Sim I'm not in the mood for disobedience Rin and Thoth you weaklings stay back .

[Thoth] will do i don't feel like dieing today 

[Rin] yea lets back off I would not want to get in the way of glorious victory Thoth lets run 

[RImuru] that was stupid of you and smart of them well veldora which one would you like to fight 

[Veldora] i don't think one would provide any challenge can i have all three to play with

[Rimuru] hmm sure they wouldn't even make me use Ciel so have fun I'll go chat with those two who ran. 

[Lim] ha running away is a cowards move Sim lets kill this dragon then cook it for supper .

[Sim] lets hurry i want to turn the other one into a doll 

[Ventra] hahaha its three on one now it won't even be a fight 

[Veldora] well lets make this quick have a taste of my newest move that i have mastered from the sacred texts              Finale Flash .

<Lim takes a direct hit and dies Sim pushes Ventra out of the way losing most of his body in the progress>

[Sim] run away milady he's too strong 

[Ventra] damn you do you realize how long it took to train them .

[Veldora] don't care Black lighting now i should join up with Rimuru 

[Rin] what was that he killed all of them in less than five minutes I'm glad i ran away

[Thoth] i hate to brake it to you but Rimuru is right behind us !

[Rimuru] hello again i hope you'll willing to give info 

[Rin Thoth] of we will as long as we're spared 

[Rimuru] of course I'm gonna chain up through just in case hey veldora not much fun was it 

[Veldora] not really shall we go back to see if makoto has finished yet then we'll move to your allies world then back home i guess 

[Makoto] there is no reason I'm already here it was easier than i thought so shall we get going after your done chatting.

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