Witch's cult

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slime taoshite world

[demon lord provat pcora]
we had to move all the civilian's from the border due to the human's kidnaping them as showpieces for their entertainment so how are the refuges doing is there enough food and shelter for them.

yes milady for now we have 3 month's worth of food and plenty of shelter sense we convinced the dragon's to change to size human.

good one less worry about those weak heroes are being annoying they wont face my generals in battle always running away from the fight sacrificing the regular solders by the thousands for no reason.
I wonder what their plan is losing so many solders this early in the war human's breed fast but not that fast its like they want them to die very strange secretary go get beelzebub and the remaining generals I need to have a war council .

I best hurry to prime minister beelzebub the demon lord is calling for you.

hmm okay ill go there now go to lunch miss.

hey beelzebub please tell me our spy's have good news i feel like i need some before the bad news .

sigh ok good news is that Laika and Flatorte have agreed to rally the few dragons who refused to help in the war and have succeeded in gathering all of them but here comes the bad news is that the number of true hero's has increased again it is now 24 but the number of regular hero's has decreased to 200 instead of 300 but we didn't kill them sense they run away so i believe the hero's are killing each other to become true hero's it seems that each hero needs to kill anywhere from 5 to 10 hero's to evolve into one .

what the F that's awful they have 24 people that have the power to kill dragons my headache has returned so we have to fight all of humanity i was hoping that they would retreat after suffering a massive amount of damage we have dealt to them but why would they care if they are willing to kill each other for power .

hmm not all of humanity is willing to help the hero's .

what do you mean all of the kingdoms have joined them.

you have forgotten the all of the village's in the highlands they have a secret religion that worships the witch of the highlands she has protected them for the past 300 years they refused the hero's and king's and have gathered weapons and armor to defend the witch in other words azusa has a cult at her side willing to obey any command even playing dumb .

are you saying that she has an army of loyal cultist and being the strongest on the planet the highlands is the safest place in the world you'd be a fool to attack her will she bw willing to help us if things go south i wonder.

of course she would but i'd rather not if we call her i think the humans will summon angels or gods to fight it would be a nightmare .

hmm you're right i miss our tea parties through alright lets get back to it .

world of moon-led journey

hmm this world is interesting it kinda like tempest but a little behind in magic and tech but there has been at war recently so that might explain the small amount of people.
no its not right to compare it to the best country in my world to a wasteland city but the people around here are pretty strong for human's i have that meeting today at after lunch i should get something to eat i see a strange pair of women eating what looks like good food over there they have a strange scent one is like a spider and the other is she like Milim.

oh her magic is similar to Root's must be child to have that amount of power and have a kid he might've matched me in his prime oh this is good food hmm oh shit its time for that meeting .

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