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It was definitely suspicious.

Jennie couldn't understand what was happening currently, maybe it was because she just woke up from her deep slumber and as a result was feeling slightly dazed. But after taking some time to ponder on the situation she was in, it took her only a few minutes to realize that she was in a dim and unfamiliar room.

After double-checking her surroundings, she was now sure it was undoubtedly not her bedroom. She deduced that based on the purple wallpaper around her and the decorative masks that hung on the walls, which she was never in possession of. But most of all, because of how messy the room was, given how tidy and minimalistic she usually was.

In the dark, she patted around the bed several times as she searched for her phone, so she could get a look at the time and use its lamp torch; however, it was nowhere to be found. She then began to question herself, there was no way she could leave her phone that far away. This raised all the more her suspicions.

Nonetheless, she knew that she slept at home after returning from the gym like she typically does every Thursday at 8 PM, she couldn't have gotten here by herself. Could it be a prank? She assumed, but quickly put away that idea. She didn't have that many friends that would pull that off, since they all went their separate ways after she moved away with her single mother.

Did she perhaps sign up for some shady business? No, she was not that much of an idiot to do so. She lastly considered that her mom, who most probably took and put her phone away since she was living with her. It could also be possible that her mother was actually around in the house and was the one pranking her.

She slowly switched into a sitting position as she turned to the left side of the bed she was laying on.

Clothes, clean and dirty, littered all over the floor with only a few places available to step on. She carefully stood up and slowly walked on her toes to avoid making any noise, considering that, if all she thought was false, she might as well be in a kidnapper's house. Who knew? It was better to be safe than sorry.

Turning right, she made her way to the only source of light in that obscure room, the vanity, and its brightly lit mirror.

Upon reaching the mirror, Jennie was abruptly startled by its reflection, which almost made her stumble on the chair beside her to the ground as she backed up.

She squinted her eyes at it in an attempt to focus more on the reflection.

At that moment, Jennie was in utter disbelief. Her ears made ringing sounds from the shock as she began to feel dizzy, the room started to spin on itself around her, black spots made their way to the corner of her vision. Nothing made sense to her anymore.

Despite her shock, her rationality took over. Before she could faint, she quickly recovered her senses as she took in deep breaths. She should not be passing out, she couldn't, not at this moment. She needed to think things through.

This was something that could never in her wildest dreams possibly happen, it was impossible logically speaking.

And yet there she was, staring at what seemed to be herself. Those foreign fox-shaped hazel green eyes in the place of her normally almond-shaped brown eyes, tan skin, long straight brunette brown hair cascading down her shoulders accompanied by bangs. She could swear that last night before she went to sleep, she used to have black mid-length hair and lighter skin. To top it all, the most shocking thing about her new appearance was how young she looked.

Jennie touched her face — if she could exactly call it that way, — afterward, she pulled at her hair and pinched at the now slender body of hers, everything felt real. All her 5 senses were real, she could feel the fabric of the clothes on her body, the floor below her feet, she could touch anything within her arms reach, she could see the dim light emanating from the edge of the mirror and her own reflection, she could smell the unfamiliar scent of the room.

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