Chapter 6- Tourist Trap

Start from the beginning


The three of us shrugged at each other, unsure what to think. We came to a place where the sign read, "The Jack-A-Lope." Ben rang the bell and the mayor appeared. "Tickets, please," "I thought you were the mayor," Ben asked, confused. 'He who wears the crown is burdened by many hats, son," The mayor said. "Mind the signs," We heard before we entered the place.


Finally, we made it to a barn that had a sign on it that read, "IT'S Here" "Through these doors lies the weirdest, wildest thing... ever to find it's way to Sparksville," The mayor said as the doors opened. "Please tell me this is it, because I can't stand it anymore," Ben said. "I can't either,, Benji," I said as I took my boyfriend's hand. "Do not touch it," "Do not photograph it," "Do not use batteries or electrical equipment anymore near it," The three of us said, reading the signs.


"This is IT" A sign in front of us read. It was pulled up to reveal a ball of rubber bands. "What's so great about a ball of rubber bands," I thought. "This is it?" Ben asked, confused. "It's a big ball of rubber bands," Gwen said. "And who knows what secrets lie within?" The mayor said. "More rubber bands?" Ben said. I giggled at that. "Stay as long as you like. Mind the signs," The mayor said before leaving.


"Look at this! These guys are full of it. We've been punked, princess," Ben said. "It is pretty lame, Benji," "I can't believe grandpa was so excited about this place," Gwen said. Then Ben went over to the giant rubber band ball and smiled. "I know that look, Benji. What are you thinking?" I asked my boyfriend. He went behind the ball and activated the Omnitrix. He was now Four Arms. He lifted the ball like it was nothing.


"One good prank deserves another," He said. "For once, I agree with you. Got something special in mind?" Gwen said as I nodded. 'I don't know. Maybe the world's biggest booger?" Ben said and Gwen and I laughed. He then began juggling the ball. "This is not going to turn out well," I thought. "Careful dweeb, you'll drop it!" Gwen said.


"Not a chance. I could lift this thing with three hands tied behind my..." Ben was losing his grip on the ball. He dropped it and Gwen pushed me out of the way so the ball wouldn't hit us. The three of us watched as the ball destroyed everything. The ball was coming toward us again so Gwen pushed me out of the way. The ball hit Ben and he crashed into a building. Gwen hit Ben when he came back.


"What was that for?" He asked. "For turning Paige and I into criminals," She said. "Don't get your shorts in a twist. I'll just put everything back the way it was. No problem," Ben said. Just then, the Omnitrix timed out. "Ok, maybe a little problem," He said as he turned back to normal. "What are we going to tell grandpa?" Gwen asked. "Nothing. We just play dumb," Ben told Gwen and I.


"Easy for you. You're a lot better at it than I am," Gwen said to Ben. We opened the door to our motel room. "There you are. Isn't this place a riot?" Max asked us. "Why? What did you see? We don't know anything about it," Gwen said. "She means it's great, grandpa. Can't wait to check out the bathroom," Ben said as I nodded.


Ben and I were cuddled up asleep when a voice woke us up. "What the heck happened here?" Max said. Ben and I fell out of bed and I fell on top of him. "Sorry, Benji," I said, feeling guilty. "It's alright, princess," Ben said as he kissed my cheek. "He knows everything. We are so busted. We have to come clean and tell grandpa everything," Gwen said, worried.

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