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Here I am Sunday morning in the shower once again getting ready to go to this shitty school
Argh I'm in 5th year same boys, same girls and it's like none have personalities other than my best mate pansy she's the only one that I speak to there and I'm fine with it.
I live by myself in a little cottage hidden at the end off the forbidden forest so no train just a quick walk through the trees less than ten minutes and I'm there and that means I have my dorm and my cottage and I can stay at either.
I'm a pure blood but very muggle I do everything and own everything muggle I love it everything's modern and new unlike magic everything's old even though I love my magic everyone else treats it like it's hard but they just need don't listen. Idiots.
I get ready on Sundays and get to school around 12 just so I can get everything ready my uniform and schedule and pansy kinda figured that out because she's always there as well.
My dorm was amazing it's fully black with a desk, queen bed, and sitting area it might as well been the common room.
But any way enough about that the 6th year all changed because off the new boy Mattheo riddle Voldemort's son.

Author~ I have 8 more parts written I just wanna see if people wanna read ❤️

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