Chapter 11: The Party - part 2

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As you both weaved through the large groups of people, you searched for the girls but they were nowhere to be seen. It was a big house sure, but not that big. They had to be around somewhere. You figured that you would catch up with them at some point, and you were enjoying spending time with Bakugo anyway. Now you were both at college, Bakugo had the football team, and you had your new job and extra music classes, you had barely seen your childhood friend the past few weeks. It was nice to spend some alone time with Bakugo. You saw a completely different side to him that nobody else did when nobody else was around. You settled in the middle of the room, wedged between a ghostbuster and a minion, and tried to enjoy the music as much as you could.

"Oh my god! Y/n, we finally found you! Where were you?" You heard Jiro call from behind.

You turned around and the girls embraced you in a group hug. "Sorry girls! I was in the kitchen with boys for a while. I looked for you when I went to bathroom but couldn't find you".

As you separated from the hug, you noticed someone standing behind them. She had long black hair tied in a pony tail and she was dressed as a fairy. She looked beautiful.

"Oh this is Momo Yaoyorozu. She's in biology class with Tsu." Mina said.

"Hi, nice to meet you. You must be y/n, I've heard a lot about you." Yaoyorozu smiled.

"That's me! Nice to meet you too Momo."

"Great! Now that the introductions are done, let's go dance!" Mina grabbed your arm and dragged you to the dance floor. Bakugo just glared at you the entire time, his arms crossed, stood completely still. He wasn't enjoying himself in the slightest, but it always brought you joy to see him so uncomfortable. Since the alcohol had kicked in, you had turned into quite the confident dancer. You were happily dancing with the group of girls, the loud music blasting in your ears, completely engulfed in smoke and neon lights. As you turned your head, you noticed someone standing alone in the corner of the room. He had silver hair, piercing blue eyes and a large scar on the left side of his face. He didn't have a costume, and he  stood silently with a red cup gripped in his hand observing the rest of the party. He looked very uncomfortable, and you wanted to go and ask if he was okay. You were staring so much that you hadn't noticed you'd stopped dancing.

"Why'd you stop, nerd? You wanted to come in here. Hey dumbass, are you listening to me?"

"Yeah sorry, I got distracted. Kat's who's that guy on his own over there, is he okay?"

"That's our other roommate. He's so weird. He never talks, he's basically a mute. Most of the time he just stares at us when we're having a conversation and then he'll walk away. Creepy bastard".

"Have you ever thought, maybe you're the bastard, Kats?" you shouted into his ear. "Maybe he's just a bit awkward. I'm gonna go talk to him".

"Y/n no-" He tried to stop you but you were already gone. The girls turned to each other in confusion as they watched you walk away, but continued to dance when they saw Bakugo follow you.

"Hey, are you okay?" You delicately placed your hand on his shoulder, careful not to startle him and he turned around with a feint look of fear in his face.

"Hey, its a party man! You're standing here like you have a mop up your ass! Don't you wanna dance, have some fun or something? you threw a comforting smile towards the nervous boy.

"I have a mop up my ass?"

"What? No- no it's just an expression. I meant to say would you like to join us?"

"Uh-  I'm not sure. I'm not much of a dancer" he turned away avoiding your eyes.

"Not sure if you saw us back there but neither are we!" you joked and the boy warmly smiled in return. "Nobody will remember anyway, have you seen how out of it these people are? Or we can go and grab a drink if you like, get some fresh air? It's a bit stuffy in here anyway".

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