Kaditula ignored his outburst and stepped closer. "What happened to you, Karna?" He questioned, and the genuine confusion on Kaditula's face, made a shiver run down his spine.

"There's something.....off. What happened on the battlefield? Something has changed and I want to know what it is."

The way Kaditula was looking at him was like he couldn't figure him out, as if Karna really was a stranger. "Who are you now?"

Karna's hands had gone disgustingly clammy as he replayed Kaditula's question in his head. Dizziness overtook him, and he desperately wanted to end this conversation right here. What happened to him? The truth happened and ruined him. Yes, that's what happened.


"Let me be alone for a while. Please."

Kaditula sighed, patted him on the back and then left even though Karna had a feeling that he wanted to say more.

It was starting to cool down. The sun hung low and the breeze had picked up speed. Karna stumbled back until his legs hit a giant boulder and he sat down, burying his face in his hands. He supposed he had changed but then again who wouldn't? So many things had happened in such little time, every event competing against the other in enormity and implications and then a year of painful silence had followed. A year of not feeling, not caring, not talking, not living. He supposed he had changed. He was sure every man who had fought in the Mahabharata had to.

By the time he reached Kaditula's house, night had fallen. The stars glittered, enriching the seduction of the darkness that covered the city under its shadow, creating an aura of mystery and temptation. The gates creaked as he closed them behind him, and he trudged along the path to enter the house, trying his best to be as quiet as possible.

He probably shouldn't have bothered since Kaditula was waiting for him in the living room, sitting opposite Lakshman and Abhimanyu. Karna felt an ache deep in his gut.

"We were waiting for you, My Lord," Tejbrata said and smiled at him, breaking the silence in the room.

"Is everything alright, Uncle Vasu?" Lakshman sat up in his seat, taking in his disheveled appearance.

"It is. Nothing to worry about." His voice was so unconvincing it would have been better to not have said anything. He excused himself, citing the need to freshen up, and locked himself up in his room. Splashing water on his face, he relished the feel of it on his sweaty skin and he stayed there for some time. The person staring back at him felt the same, yet completely different.

Who are you now, Karna?

He had absolutely no fucking clue.


Abhimanyu watched as Karna made his way downstairs. He seemed pale and distracted, but nevertheless when he neared them; he gave them all a wide smile. He chose to sit beside Tejbrata on the settee and regarded them with a piercing glance.

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