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Nobody's POV

As the family was watching Alvin and the Chipmunks for their movie night, there's a scene in the movie where the chipmunks were singing and dancing with the song, it was when the twins started playing their toy instruments, the oldest with the toy drums while the youngest was playing the toy guitar.

Their playing wasnt in sync with the real song at all and it sounded terrible but in their ears, they were rocking amazingly.

"Alright alright that's enough for movie night." Their Mom chuckled turning off the TV

"But mom! We're just getting started!" The youngest whined

"You two gotta go to sleep, its school tomorrow."

"But school sucks, the kids there thought that we're too annoying to be there." The oldest agreed

"Yea, and its boring. I just want to sleep in every class."

Their Mom chuckled and knelt in front of them as she said to their eyes, "Listen, who cares if you two are annoying? In fact, I dont think you two are annoying, plus, you two are the best at this! You just need some lessons, thats it. But whats the most important, is your passions. Just stick to it!"

"You really think so mom?"

"I know so." She smiled, "Oh! I forgot to tell you..." she reached in her pocket and brought out two Emerald pendants, "I bought these for you when I'm at work, its just a little something to remind you that I am always always going to be there for the two of you. And plus, it also symbolizes that if the two of you are apart, it wont make a real emerald." She said putting the two 'broken' emerald pendants together to make a real emerald.

One by one, the mother put the necklaces on them as they smiled. "It might be too long now but you would be able to wear them as you both grow strong. Now off you go to bed." She ruffled their hair letting them get pass her before they stopped and hugged her good night.

"Night Mom!"
"Night Mom!"

"Wait, Mom?"

"Yes Hun?"

"When is Dad coming back?"

"He's- he's coming back dont worry."

"No I mean...the real Dad? Not the one that likes to drink?"

"He'll- he'll come back eventually."

"Okay, bye Mom!"


*The next day after school*

The twins have gone back from school when they found the house was...empty, and quiet. No sizzling sounds of the frying pan that their Mom used to cook for them, no arguments, no talks no nothing, everything is dark too. They turn on the light and went to the kitchen where their mother was always at when they got home.

When they were at the kitchen, they couldn't believe their own eyes. There was their mother, lying dead at the kitchen making a blood puddle and there standing beside her was their father, looking at her. His face didnt show any emotion. Just...blank.

"Mom?" Finally the youngest managed to spit out the words

"You- killed her..." the oldest said

"Never, speak of this to anyone." The father said dropping the knife and went away as the oldest went over to the body while the youngest just knelt, frozen at the spot just like a deer in headlights.

They couldn't forget the day their mother died. Blood everywhere, the cupboards, the sink, the floor even the ceiling.

*lock clicks*

They couldnt forget the day their father locked them in their house, never allowing them to leave in fear of them telling the police even though they are just 4 years old. Their father was too corrupted to even realize he was harming his own children.

It wasnt before 2 years later when the older got the same blood thirst as his father and killed the father with the same knife he had used to kill their mother. In their eyes, he wasnt their father anymore. Just a monster. The youngest watch the scene happen in front of him and didnt do anything but just stare as his brother stabs the monster. The monster's cries was the only thing he wanted to hear for a long time and has been holding back.

Now with the monster dead, all they need to do is escape from that hellhole. They stabbed the window of the living room with the very same knife until it breaks and they ran, longing the smell of fresh air. Not the smell of their own blood or the monster's smokings or alcohol. As they watch the "house" burn, they sighed with relief and walked to the park where they laid on the grass and slept. For a long time, they could feel free.

At least for then...that was 9 years ago, nothing bad has happen since...they got adopted by a loving father and a troubled boy that always sees them as his idle, least until he is 7 before he started making himself another version of the two to make a perfect trio.

You think the two has gone through enough at the past and is now a changed person? Well...they are changed, into a much worst personality because of their monster. They have turned into him but a more softer version. They will only release their true selves if anyone or anything did something to them like hurt their friends, family or even themselves. They never show their true selves if the people are good towards them, though the oldest will always find it hard to trust anyone while the other liked to socialize with people which is why he was more empathetic than his brother.

But the one thing they have never changed, is their love with music and luckily their new youngest brother loved music as much as they do as well as their father, their real father. But the father was more of the listener type and will enjoy every time his adopted sons sang/play songs to him, even their own music.

You know that saying, "Its all fun in games until..." right? It used to be for something funny but for this, for them.

It was fun in games until people started hating them in their school that they couldn't let one day slide without one of them having at least two fights in their school. 'Till this day they still dont know what happened that could make them always get angry with them even if they say sorry, trying to compose themselves right before their true selves came out, mostly the oldest.

The now middle child usually show his true self a different way than a fight, he will let them slide by stealing things from stores and will sometimes use the items he stole for revenge the next day.

The now youngest doesnt have a true self as he was always open to people. He would just cuss at them or will ask his brothers what to do for revenge. His brothers will always give him light suggestions since a part of them dont want him to grow up like them. Wearing a mask everytime to hide their true intentions given from their monster. But now, they really have fucked up.

Welcome to a story where they will face a new challenge in their lives in the government-trusted boarding school.
Word Count: 1230

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