|02-not a clue|

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"ricky, i am so sorry." nini said, sympathetically, after ricky had explained the phone call.

ricky sat on his chair is his office, with a hand on his head, while nini sat on his desk, and admired violet.

"that is insane." she sighed. ricky nodded. "how could someone just do that?"

"i don't know." ricky said, staring off into the distance.

nini looked over, and saw pure stress in his face. "you didn't deserve that."

ricky laughed bitterly. "maybe not, but i'm terrified."

"violet needs a mom in her life. if i was struggling to manage having her 3 days of the week, how am i gonna deal with all 7? nini, i'm gonna fail as parent-"

"hey." nini cut him off. "no you're not."

"violet is 2, and she is so lucky already." she started. "you have a full time job, that takes up a lot of time, and so many other things on your plate, and you are so devoted to her."

"if worried about keeping her happy, don't be. if you're worried about providing for her, you've been doing it for the past 2 years, and doing it flawlessly."

"whats any different now?"

"and i'm glad to help. anytime. i love violet as if she's my own."

ricky looked up at her. "thanks ni."

she nodded. "you got this." she assured.

"now go home, you got work tomorrow." nini said, jumping off his desk, and grabbing violet's carseat.

"here's your kid." she joked, handing him the carseat

 ricky chuckled, and left the room, with the carseat


the next morning, nini stopped by her local coffee shop, to grab a drink before work. right after she finished ordering, she saw a familiar face across from her.

"juliette?" she called out.

she looked up from her phone, and saw who had called for her. "oh nini. hey."

nini was so confused how she was just pretending everything was fine. she ignored juliette's reply, and continued waiting for her coffee

"great." juliette started. "so ricky told you."

"what you did was..one of the least cool, and insensitive things, i've ever-"

"you don't get it nini" juliette cut her off

"oh, enlighten me please" she replied sarcastically.

juliette sighed, noticing her sarcasm. "this is the opportunity of a lifetime, okay? i'm never gonna get a chance like this again. and i can't screw things up for violet,-"

"a little late for that."

"nini, cut me some slack." she begged. "you moved here from toronto for this job!"

"that was different, i didn't have a kid jules." nini clarified, getting fed up with her.

"you know, even though it's really none of your business you've always taken ricky's side."

"it's not about sides! i-" 

"venti americano for nini." the barista called out.

"listen, ricky is my friend, but i know you're in the wrong in this situation." she started. "i hope things go well for you." she said, before leaving, and heading to work.


nini was replying to emails at her desk, when she heard a knock at her office door. not looking up from her computer, she responded to whoever was knocking.

"hey kiddo, unless you have an appointment, or were sent up here by your teacher, i can't help you right now."

"oh, okay, sorry ms. roberts."

nini looked up at the familiar voice, and noticed it wasn't a student, it was ricky, with a full cup of coffee.

"wait, give me the coffee." she demanded. ricky walked back in, with her coffee. he sat on her desk, and she took a sip of coffee.

"so, i got a text today." he started.

"ah, let me guess, from ms i'm moving to france? " she said jokingly.

ricky nodded his head. "she said you attacked her at the coffee shop?"

"oh my god, i didn't attack her." nini rolled her eyes. "she said hi, and i told her i was pissed. that's it."

"mhm, and what else?" ricky asked, knowing she was beating around the bush.

"well," nini started. "she said i wouldn't understand, then she said i would understand because here from toronto, then i told her the difference was, i didn't have a kid. and then she said i was always take your side, and she was just pissing me off."

ricky stared a her for a moment. "and i think your coffees are kicking in."

"whatever." she sighed. "i have an appointment in 3 minutes, and you have a class to teach, so get out." she said, pointing to the door.

he put his hands up in surrender, and left.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2022 ⏰

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