- Beverly Marsh -

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The school bell had rung, signifying the start of summer. It had been a year since the murder of George Denbrough, and the grieving process takes longer then you think. But people in this town did more than grieve, they had the urge to kill Y/n in cold blood. Y/n grabbed her things, getting looks of relief from her teacher as she exited the room. Y/n gave a disgusted look back, throwing her stuff in the small classroom trash can with an attitude. She stomped out of the classroom, pausing. Y/n turned around and waltzed back in with a nerve.

"Forgot something," Y/n said with a smirk as she grabbed the teacher's pack of cigarets off her desk.

"You know these give you lung cancer right?" Y/n said looking at front of the pack. Camel

"Happy fucking summer." Y/n said tossing the pack of cigarets and grabbing it in mid air while exiting the class room for good this time. The teacher stood there with her mouth wide open like a fish about to fall for bait. And what more to start of this shitty summer then have kids in the hallway give her looks of terror, despise, and mockery. Even the teachers waltzed back into their class rooms or randomly turned to a student. Y/N turned left into the girls bathroom, hearing the people in the hall way breath, gasp for air as if they had never had the delight to taste it. She sat in the stall, waiting for Greta to make her usual tormenting rounds. Smoke... Smoke fogged up the stall a bit, meaning some girl had lit one. Y/N decided that they mystery girl, who ever they were, was hiding from Greta too. Lo and Behold girls began to giggle with excitement as Greta waltzed into the bathroom. Y/N could hear her loud breathing, and imagined her frizzy hair tied up in a pony tail swaying back and forth while letting all hell loose. 

"BEVERLY!" Greta shouts searching for her. Y/N tighten up a bit when she bangs on her door.

"WHERE ARE YOU? I KNOW YOUR IN THERE, I CAN SMELL YOU, YOU LITTLE SHIT!!!" Greta says walking to the stall next to Y/N's. All she can think to herself in this moment is how undeniably stupid Greta is. I mean come on, who says "OH YEAH IM IN HERE." when you shout their name when asking where they are.


"What am I Greta, a slut or a little shit? Make up your mind." Beverly growls, gritting her teeth. A smile and laugh escapes Y/N's voice. 

"YEAH WELL YOUR TRASH!" Greta shouts in defense. What a great comeback Y/N thinks sarcastically. "......and we just wanted to remind you." Greta says more sinister. Y/N pauses, she huddles sitting on the toilet seat silent. Something bad was about to happen. The bathroom fossit turned off, Y/N never realized it was on. Drip Drip Drip said the sink as one of Greta's goons walked with what sounded like a giant water ballon. She heard people Shuffle around outside of the stalls until you heard Beverly shriek. You looked up to see a pale wrist and some neon colored brackets dump and trash bag onto Beverly's head. You panted quietly, gasping for air now realizing how long you have been in this small space. Greta bangs on your door before existing the bathroom with her friends. You hear a bathroom door swing open, and thats when you remembered to start breathing. 

The tormenters where gone, and now you had to exist the stall before any other shit happens. You bust the stall open to Beverly washing up. Beverly Marsh..... You walk up to the sink next to hers. You turn in the fossit on, rinsing your hands because although you didn't actually use the bathroom, you did sit in an unsanitary stall. Beverly doesn't bother to look up at you until she hears the drain suck water down the sink. She glances down at the drain then her gaze slowly shifts to you. And then came the look you remember to well, the look when someone firsts sees you, knowing exactly who you are. Kindness is what you thought everyday. You just wanted at least one person who didn't assume the worst about you, but that would only happen when pigs fly. You look down at the pack of cigarettes in the pocket of your back pack then glance at her. 

"Yeah, I know." You say to her softly. You take the cigarettes and slid is across the sink counter. She didn't flinch at the sight of you moving your hand. She looked down at the pack and gave you a look of sympathy. 

"Just so you know, I never thought you were a slut." You say going from her gaze to the floors and then walk out. Beverly's eyes never meet your as you leave, she just stares at the pack of cigarettes and gives a slight smile. The bathroom door shuts closed.

Hey everyone! First authors note, you won't be seeing these every chapter, just when I have something to announce. Sorry for the sudden change in perspective, I found it easier to right in Your point view :D Also these next few chapters or just when Y/N meets characters the chapters will be shorter because it will be focused on Them meeting whoever. SO yeah! Next chapter should be up either later today or Friday morning. Until then my lovely readers. :D

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