Chapter 4: The Park

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September, 29

The next morning I woke up in the same spot last night, but Alice was gone. I looked around and saw nothing. I quickly brushed my teeth, took a shower, and got dressed. I had a plain white t-shirt and buttoned it up. I went outside, but she wasn't there. Then my phone buzzed. I got a text saying, "Meet me at the Park😉"

Shes so smooth...and adorable!!! How could I not go?

Also I wasn't doing anything else that day, so I got in my car and drove to the park.

Definitely more than 5 minutes later...

After 5 minutes I arrived at the park and I saw a path surrounded by a bunch of trees. So I started walking down the path which led to a giant slope, looking out to the entire park. I looked around and believe it or not, Alice was sitting there waiting for me. "Hi Asia!" "Uh...hi Alice." I said blushing a little. "Come. Sit down." Then she softly patted the grass next to her. I walked over and sat down with my legs crossed.

I wantedtomake conversation so I quickly said, "Hey Alice-Did you need me for something?" I asked, and she said, "No, I just wanted to meet you here. I wanted to see you again."

She was wearing a pink and white checkered shirt, jeans, and Black boots. "I like your outfit." I said. "Its cute." She blushed a little bit. "Hey, Thanks! Anyway, you wanna know something cool?" I nodded. After that she said to close my eyes for 2 seconds, and she pushed me down the hill/slope or whatever you want to call it.

After that I was kinda angry so I yelled, "Hey! What th-" Then she rolled down and shouted, after me. She rolled into my arms which I quickly pushed her away. Before I could explode, she said, "That was funny!" I guess I couldn't get mad at her, but I still was upset.

"Are you upset?
She chuckled.

"Your kinda cute when your upset." She said smirking. I thought she was joking, but then I looked at her face. She was biting her lip while examining my body.

"Let's look at the clouds to see if any look funny!" She said with a promiscuous attitude. Then she pointed at the clouds. I was confused, but I went along with it. We pointed and laughed at all the clouds, but then...all of a sudden-

"Hey..Asia?" I turned to her and said, "Yeah?" "Can I...c-can I hold your hand?" Immediately I started blushing and said, "W-what? Why-"

"I..just wanted to know whatitfelt like..but of your not comfortablewithit, then you dont have to-" Alice's words were interrupted when my band grabbed hers. "Asia..." "Y-yeah?"

"Listen. I want to tell you something..." Then she started blushing, too. She rubbed her arms. I turned to her and said, "What?" We just stared at each other until Alice started to move towards me.

She placed on hand on my shoulder and one on my leg. I firmly grasped her hips and pulled her closer. She was so close I could feel her heat coming off of her body. I watched as her soft lips came toward mine, in utter silence.

I knew what was going on so I prepared for it. Then she closed her eyes...and I closed my eyes...and we got closer...and closer... and our lips were about to connect...but then...

my phone started buzzing.

I don't know about you, but that seemed too convenient to be true. I hated my sister for this, but this is what the text I got said...

"Hey Sis, I gotta talk to you for a bit...I hope I didn't interrupt you. I need you at my place." Interrupted?? How did she know about me and Alice? She must've...I read that then I turned to Alice and said, "Oh, I have to go see my sister...she wants to talk to me right now." I said as I fiddled with my hair. Alice said, "Oh alright. I guess we can do this another time." She said with a smirk. "Ok, bye Alice..." Then she kissed my cheek and yelled a short goodbye.

Then I spent a short amount of time processing the situation.

She...she wanted to..kiss me..

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