He saw me looking at the moon and he looked up at it with me.

"Tomorrow night during the full moon, we will have to go to the caves. It will take all day tomorrow to prepare. I ask for you to stay close to me at all times tomorrow and through the night. The werewolves are very dangerous and I can't risk the best thing in my life being taken away from me." Kol said turning his gaze back down at me, grabbing my hand with his, rubbing his fingers over the top of it.

"I promise." I said, reassuring him. I knew how they went to the caves. Elijah had told me their full moon ritual, how afraid they were of the werewolves, I understood. I had remembered when Elijah took me there, or better yet held me captive there, the names and drawings on the walls. I wondered if they were there yet.

"Come, darling, let us get back and tell the family. My mother will be elated. Rebekah will as well, she wants a sister so badly." he said, laughing while he put my arm in his and we began to walk in the moonlight back to the village.

"kol, what would happen if someone tried to pull me back to the future?" I asked cautiously. I was worried that would happen.

"You can resist magic, darling, if it is your will to stay, then they cannot pull you back." he told me, which made me feel better. "What happened in the future that is so bad you don't want to go back?"

"I have nothing there. My entire family is dead. I have no home. The people that care about me, fight over me like I'm a toy. All of my friends have suffered because of me. An ancient evil is controlling everyone there. I was scared to wake up every morning." I told him the truth. "Here, I am happy. I'm not afraid to wake up everyday, I'm excited."

"Elena, what ancient evil are you speaking of?" I knew he would catch on to that.

"Silas." I said in a hushed tone.

"Silas was awakened?!" he asked quickly.

"Yes. One person had warned us about waking him, that he would create hell on earth. We didn't believe him." I said, almost crying.

"Elena, why are you crying?" I knew I couldn't tell him that he was the one In the future that had warned us. He couldn't know yet that he was a vampire, because vampires hadn't been created yet. He couldn't know that I had killed him with my brother. I wondered if the future Kol, on the other side, would have these memories.

"Nothing, he just reminded me a little of you. We should have listened to him." I said, wiping my eyes.

FUTURE- Kol POV (on the other side)

All of these memories came flashing back to me. I had remembered Elena, My entire thousand years. I knew that what I had to do when Elijah had wakened me in Mystic Falls. It literally killed me to not just take Elena away from that place as I watched her get hurt more and more, but I knew that if I didn't let it happen, then she would not come back to me in the past. I knew that the witch who had sent her back accidentally was now dead, on the other side with me.

"Bonnie Bennett." I said as I walked over to her, who was looking out at the crowd of people in Mystic Falls who could not see or hear us.

"What do you want, Kol? Aren't I already dead enough for you?" Bonnie asked sarcastically.

"Bonnie, I do not wish to do any harm. I've come to tell you thank you. And I need your help." I said, sounding as human as I could.

"Why would you thank me? Ive done nothing for you." Bonnie replied coldly.

"Actually you have, unknowingly, I might add. You gave me my wife." I told her,watching her expression turn confused.

"Wait, you're married?" I slipped my daylight ring back to its original position.

"Proudly so, for 1,023 years, almost 1,024." I replied truthfully.

"And what does your being married forever have to do with me?" she asked rolling her eyes.

"When you put the veil back up and brought young Jeremy back to the life of the living, you accidentally sent someone back. I was human, I took her in, helped her, we fell in love, got married. She was the best thing that's ever happened to me. I haven't been able to tell anyone until now, because I had to play the bad guy in order for her to get sent to the past." I responded, peaking her curiosity.

"And?" she replied.

"I had to let my own wife, the person I have loved more than life itself for over a thousand years, help her brother kill me." I responded, a tear in my eye threatening to fall.

"Oh my god. Elena is your wife?!" she almost screamed.

"Yes, I can show you if you would like?" I told her, holding out my hand for her to touch. She hesitantly grabbed it, getting a flash of visions.

"You were a witch, and Elena really does love you. What happened, and why do you need my help?" she asked.

"She is going to need both of us, soon." I told her, wondering if I should tell her the rest.

"Why, what happened." Bonnie replied a little more worriedly than before.

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