the infamous friday night breakdown

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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

"Where we goin'?" Peter asks sleepily.

"I don't know how you're still sleepy considering all you've done is sleep lately," MJ says, although she's kind of grateful in a twisted way. May, Tony and Paige had all told her that he hadn't been sleeping as much, and she hoped they were exaggerating when they said that Peter had slept more the past three days than he had gotten in a while. "Back to my house. You sleep. It won't take long, but you need all the sleep you can get. You've been deprived of it long enough."

"'m not sleep d'pr'v'd . . ." he argues, but she smiles when he settles more comfortably into the passenger seat of her car and starts snoring softly a few seconds later. Peter has one of those cute, soft snores, and she smiles softly as he rests his head between the window in the seat- how he's managed to get comfortable, she doesn't know, but she's found Peter sleeping in weirder positions before . . . he's always had the ability to just, somehow, make himself comfortable wherever he is- and the sun shines on him. She can't see most of his face, but she can see enough to know that he's s;eeping peacefully. . . . something he hasn't done in a long time, apparently.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Before she knows it, she's pulling in and parking her car in the apartment building's designated parking places for residents. She turns the key, switching the car off, taps Peter on the shoulder and shakes him lightly.

"Hmm . . ." Peter hums. "five more minutes, May . . ."

"Get up, sleepyhead," MJ grins. "We're home and I can't carry you."

"Oh . . ." he sits up, rubbing his eyes with fisted hands. "Sorry."

"That's okay. You're gonna go blind if you keep doing that," she scolds, pulling his hands away from his face. "there. Now we'll go up to my place and you can sleep more there."

"'s not really gonna go blind . . ." he says, then laughs. "Can't have three blind Parkers."

"Huh?" her face lifts up in amusement. "And if I remember correctly, you had glasses when I first moved here . . ."

"Shu'up. Tha' was before th' bite." he frowns. "And yeah, three. May and Paige might as well be blind." he laughs then. "When Paige loses her glasses she'll walk around asking where her eyeballs are."

"That's hilarious." MJ says. "Do bad eyes run in the family or something?"

"I dunno," he shrugs. "I think so."

"Oof. Okay," she says. "You got lucky then."

"Guess so. But Paige just wears contacts. With the way her mask fits over her face she kinda has to."

That was true. Paige's mask only covered her eyes and the sides ended by her ear instead of it covering her whole face.

"We're here," she says, pushing her key into the doorknob and unlocking it. She vaguely wonders if Peter had noticed the way his arm was around her shoulders as they walked. But she doesn't think she really registered the walk. Or the elevator ride all the way to the fifth floor.

"Bed?" he asks pitifully.

"Bed." she assured him.

"Yay . . ." he mutters. "Wonder if this is what being in a coma feels like. . ."

"Yeah, can we not find out, please? I mean it. No comatose Peter Parkers in my bed. I don't ever want to see a comatose Peter Parker. Ever."

"Ugh, fine." he says, flopping onto the bed. "No fun . . ."

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