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He then grabbed my hands, held it tight.Assuring that everything's going to be alright. I breathed in and smiled.

Zelle: I'll protect us too.
DH: Kkeurae. We'll protect each other. Ye?
Zelle: Ne.

I clasped our hands supporting it with my other hand and smiled to him.

I will be your Super Girl, no matter how hard it would become I will be strong and endure everything, I will your shield.

After a few turns we finally reached the store, as we got in, a sales representative greeted us, we told him what we had in our mind and he guided us to what we needed. After some introductions about the car, he showed us its interior as well as the engine. Im really loving it though but it seems oppa is loving it more than I do. His were bright and I tell you he never stopped smiling when he saw the car, well boys are boys. After some negotiation and some sales talk I finally agreed, we filled up and signed some paper and finally paid down the car, well not in full but its required down payment, after everything was settled, they finally gave me the keys and bid us goodbye. We waited on the back part of the shop as the car was being taken out, then I got in while Hae oppa was in his.I turned on the GPS of my car and indicated my destination, as the GPS highlighted the route for my destination, I started driving, as Hae oppa was behind me. After a few minutes we finally reached Grill 5 taco as Eunhyuk and Leeteuk were there waitinf for us. When we got inside, the two of them where chatting while sipping some drinks, we joined in as fans greeted us, worried bout them getting suspicious? Actually no, since that event on Mom's house with my ex, everyone already summed up that me and Super Juniors are bestfriends as I am really close to the other members as well, so if they see me around with Super Junior members all is in good hands already, its kinda good thing do. So we sat down and our food came, we joked, then they teased me about my car, begging me to let them drive, like seriously these boys can afford this car as well. Anyways, I finally agreed to their pleas, we will go out for a road trip and have to take turns for driving.

I looked at my watch and it was 1:30 already, time flew by real fast. I have a photoshoot by 3, so I stood up and bid them farewell. As I was making my way out, fans, I mean ELFs would greet me and smile at me. I greet them back as while. I got into my car and the usual, I encoded my destination into the GPS, and oh by the way, my car is Blue, well i chose not because there was no Pink but because I really wanted to and I did it for him. So yeah, I'm loving it anyways. I stepped into the gas and my way to work.

It was already 7:40 when the photoshoot ended. I went to my dressing room, had my makeup removed and changed into my clothes, I appliead a few moisturizer as my makeup artist fixed my brows and applied some eyeliners and mascara and a dab of lipstain on me. I fixed my hair and sprayed a few colognes and thanked them as I bid them farewell. Its 8:30 already and I was on my way home. I just crossed the bridge when I passef by this car that seemed to have broke down and to this girl who looked really really familiar, wait, its her! Its Jae Ha. I stepped on the brake calmly and put the gear into reverse and voila, it was indeed her. I rolled down the window and honked softly. She turned to me and gave me that surprise look.

Jae Ha: Unnie?
Zelle: Jae Ha!

I parked the car infront of theirs as Jae Ha ran to my car.

Jae Ha: Unnie, is this yours?
Zelle: Oh, I just bought it. Get in.
Jae Ha: Aniyo. I have to help my driver with the car. We got a flat tire.
Zelle: Do you have a spare tire?
Jae Ha: Molla.

I got out of the car and went to their driver.

Zelle: Ajhussi. Do you have a spare tire?
Driver: Ahh, ye, but I left my tools.
Zelle: Ahh, I have mine. I can lend it to you.
Driver: Ahh, ye. Kamsahamnida.

DREAM COME TRUE (HAEHAE COUPLE)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu