Arrival and Reunion

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As we drove through each state I felt all the stress, and pain, and heartbreak lift off of my chest. I felt like a little kid, seeing its lost toy after so long. As we pulled into our father's house, I nearly cried. I got out and daddy was waiting for us. I hopped out and pulled him into a big hug. 

"I missed you too Bri." Dad said. I smiled, there in the driveway was dad's present to Bells, a Chevy truck. I laughed, now I can mess with Bella's car and it could be the best Chevy in the world. Me and Bella went crazy when we saw it. "Bri why are you excited about Bella's present?" Dad asked, I giggled. "I love to work on cars so I can make this truck look like my Volvo, safe but fast." I said, dad looked surprised, "Your tools are in the back of the Volvo aren't they?" Bella asked. I nodded and we all laughed. I looked at the 3 bedroom house I grew up in. I walked to the back of my car and grabbed my stuff and made it upstairs in one trip.

I knew we were gonna go to the diner to eat. When we arrived, I saw a familiar face there. "Jacob Black?" I asked He whipped around at the sound of his name. He gave me his blinding smile. "Bri Swan?" He asked I nodded and I rushed over and hugged him. We were best friends when we were little. He tightly wrapped his arms around my waist. "I missed you Black!" I said, "Missed you too Swan, how's the Volvo?" he asked. "I'm done with that now, I'm working on Bella's truck." He stared in awe. I nodded, "You're still as awesome as you were when we were younger." I nodded "You are still pretty Bad ass Jake." I said "You should come over sometime." I added, he nodded. "Good seeing you again Black." "Back at ya Swan." I smiled and then walked over to the table and ate my salad. Then we went home then went up to bed.

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