"No, that's ok, I can do that. Just give me a list, do we have a place to keep these cool though?" I questioned

"Well you'll just have to go inside and see for yourself wont you?" he tapped his heels on his shoe

They rushed out the door, grabbing anything and everything they could think of they might need. There was no time to double-check to make sure they weren't leaving something important behind that could be useful or anything that would leave a trace of them.

"Welcome to our new home for the next few weeks, maybe months" he spun around and opened the side door and stepped in, setting the box down on the floor of it and took the pillows and blanket from my grasp, setting them down on a little couch-chair and held out his hand, I fixed my eyes on his veiny arm and scrunched my face, he hitched his hand in front of me and I got the message, putting my hand in his and placed my food in the floor of the van and he helped me up with a little jump.

I fixed my head to face the back of the van and saw a bed laying there taking up half of the back, facing us with a wall beside it and a small walkway leading to something and then focused on a little bar-kitchen bench against the wall with a stove, microwave, sink and a tall fridge, small but not a mini fridge, and cabinets under and over it. I nodded my head and turned back to Louis seeing his face held down, I tilted my head and noticed what was bothering him, I hastily swatted my hand away and cleared my throat.

"This is cool" I chuckled nervously

"Yeah, thanks" he beamed

"Ok, let me just stock these all up, you can put these on the bed and we'll be ready for the road"

"Yeah, sure" I grabbed the blanket and pillows and walked to the back of the large van and climbed on the bed, placing one- the black one of the pillows next to the one that was already there and put the white one on top of those in the middle and flattened the blanket on the base, crawled off and walked along the side seeing the actual back of the van, a sliding door that reveals a toilet and a small shower in the corner. Damn, this is a big van.

"Ok good, you found the bathroom, so the windows all have curtains and there's LEDs you can change colour to" he points the light on the wall above the bed and around the whole van, I smiled and shifted around to him



"Wanna go now?" he asked and walked to the side door to shut it

"What about my car? What will happen to it?" I pressed, stopping him from shutting the door

"It'll be here the whole time, if we ever go back here it will be here too" He assured me

"Ok, but where's my painting?" I quizzed

"Here, I'll show you" he shut the door and brushed past me, the space was a bit narrow, if we walked side by side we would get a little close but not too close together.

He leaned up on his tippy toes and opened a un-noticeable latch, reaching his hand inside and taking out a flat black bag and put it down on the small table with two chairs either side of it and unzipped it, taking the painting out half way just to show me.

"It's in a bag so it doesn't get damaged and it's up there so if anyone comes in they won't find anything, there's also our guns in the duffle bags up there and our money is under the bed for safe keeping, anything else?" he informed me, I smiled at him

I shook my head "No thanks. thank you"

"Alright then. You're welcome, I guess"


"Ok, you can relax wherever you want, there's two power points next to the bed and extra chargers, I'll drive us to the store" he said and walked to the front where the driver's seat is, I walked behind him and sat on the passenger seat.


"Ok so, maybe get some chicken and wrap bases and I can make wraps tomorrow night, um, bread, butter, milk, a pack of water bottles...make that two packs cause I'm not drinking from the tap, tomatoes, ham and cheese, lettuce, barbeque sauce, sour cream, humus, garlic sauce, olive oil, avocados, 3 will be enough. Um...anything you want to get Louis said driving to the store as I wrote that all down, I set the pen down on the dashboard and thought

I looked out the window "Well, um, I can make tuna pasta if you'd like?"

"Yeah, sure, anything else you want?"

I shrugged "I don't know, celery, peanut butter, pears, grapes, bananas?"

"Yeah, we need fruit, can you get some mangos and half a watermelon? some chips and some chocolate please?" he requested

"Only because you said please" I laughed, writing it down, he chuckled and shook his head.


"Did you get everything?" he asked, I got two bags from the trolley and passed it to him, who plopped them down on the couch

"Yep, I went down the list, folding it every time so I wouldn't miss anything and I got a few more things, simple microwavable meals so we don't have to cook and shit every night" I informed

"Great" he grinned, taking the two packs water bottles from my hands

he raised an eyebrow "How much did it cost? Not a lot I hope"

"ninety pounds" (random number)

Alright, good he nodded


"We're going to Yorkshire, Keighley" Louis said as I asked where we were going only seconds ago, oh damn. That's a long way away. Only a couple days though, I watched as Louis drove along a long empty road surrounded by miles and miles of plain grassy fields with cattle and horses. It's currently noon 4:20 P.M

"Oh wow"

He glanced over at me and glared with his brown orbs staring into my soul with something else.

"Don't look at me like that" I sighed

"Like what?" he asked

I glanced out the window and sat up straight due to my slouching

"Like you want to stab me dead"

He chuckled slightly and looked back on the road "that's just how my face works and why would I do that?"

"I dont know"

"Then I dont want to, and I don't" he sounded pretty for real when he said that, I know there's some part of him that wants to spill my guts out, he's just ignoring it cause he knows I can help him, I'm unidentified after all, I have an advantage, and I'll give it to him, after all, he's helping me help himself.

"This is kinda random but if you knew that that William dude- agent knew about you, why stay with him?" he questioned

"I never knew why he followed me for six years but when I found out he's an agent, I knew he can do anything he puts his mind to, he'll find stuff about you and follow your every move, that's why he followed me and knew where you were at the right time. He kinda blew his cover too when he told me when we met, he said;

UNEXPECTED》》LOUIS PARTRIDGEحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن