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It was raining heavily as the thunder of large hooves shook the earth beneath them. They were rather clumsy as they hurried and nearly tripped over debris from the raging storm. They were also prone to slipping.

The hooves belonged to a young Xerneas fawn whose blue fur was replaced with tree green and antlers that had started to grow in. He looked frantic as he hurried to his destination.

He could hear others following him as well and he hoped they couldn't find him in the heavy rain.

He had to warn his friend.

Caught in his thoughts, he slipped down a hill, stumbling down and struggling to get back up once at the bottom. He wobbled on his legs briefly and then he continued on his way.

"I can see his hoof tracks! This way!" He heard other members of his group in the near distance, and sped up. He reached a large sycamore tree that had been standing in the middle of this forest for millions of years. A small den lay at the bottom of the trunk. Nobody dared to look there.

He ran up to the tree and banged his hooves against it, signaling his arrival. He looked up, rain sliding down his face as he sought out the sight of his friend.

A small Yveltal whose red feathers were replaced by blue flew down and was looking at the small Xerneas with concern. Her wings steadily flapped even in the heavy rain.

"You- you can't stay here, Seven!" The Xerneas shouted. "Th-they're coming! And I won't be able to hold them off!"

The Yveltal, Seven, still said nothing but a glimmer of despair was seen entering her gaze.

"You- if they find out-" he stuttered, the young fawn was scared. Not just for himself, but for the Yveltal he called his best friend.

"I... I can't just leave you..." she finally replied after a moment of silence. Rain fell upon her face and made it look as if she were crying. Whether she really was or not, it was hard to tell.

The both of them heard the pursuing legendary deer Pokémon close in on the area they were in, 3 of them from the sound of it. The Xerneas looked up at her again.

"Leave! Take this to your grave! They will never know if you go!" He said once more.

For another moment there was only the sound of rain and thunder in the sky. The two stood in rather uncomfortable silence until Seven spoke again.



He was pretty sure he couldn't convince Seven to leave anymore, and she stayed in the area as the other three Xerneas finally caught up to them. The younger one stood in front of where his friend was. The three Xerneas stopped in their tracks when they saw the two near each other. One of them stepped forwards and said steadily,

"Emerald, step away from the destructive creature behind you."

He did not move. In fact, he snorted and shook his head. They could not believe what they saw.

At this point, Seven was starting to grow uncomfortable even if Emerald was protecting her. She proceeded slowly and started gaining higher leverage so she could fly away. This did not go unnoticed by the three Xerneas strangers however.

"It's getting away!" One of the others shouted as it dashed forwards and used Moonblast. The moon, though covered by clouds, shone so brightly it was blinding, and broke through the dark gray clouds. As Seven was flying away, she wasn't aware of the Xerneas firing off an attack headed straight for her, hitting her head on. She let out a shrill cry as she fell to the ground.

"SEVEN!" Emerald cried. The other Xerneas were so focused on her though that they didn't hear his cry.

The third of the group dashed out and used Aurora Beam, freezing her wings in place. She couldn't escape now. Watching this was like torture for Emerald but he couldn't bring himself to run to her.

The Xerneas who led the party looked pretty satisfied with the work that the other two did, and walked to a different angle of Seven so she could see them.

They then powered up a powerful Focus Blast which she looked very fearful of. She started whimpering as she hoped her life would be prolonged as much as possible.

When the move was fired, Emerald dashed forwards and took the hit to his chest. He fell backwards on his back and he looked as if he'd had the breath knocked out of him. But alas, he still got up with a determined twinkle in his eyes.
Seven had shut her eyes and opened them again when she realized she never got hit. She was so relieved.

Emerald staggered to stand in front of Seven.

"N-no more..." he breathed out.

The lead Xerneas looked at him in disbelief and then started laughing. "Hey guys! Emerald thinks he's an Yveltal!" They called the other two over who also laughed about the situation.

He looked at them with an angry and confused expression. "It's not funny! I'm being serious!" He stomped his foot.

"Yeah, right! And what're you gonna tell our leader?" The second one scoffed.

Emerald hadn't exactly thought about it this far ahead. He was suddenly terrified, his legs couldn't stop trembling.

The lead Xerneas then walked over to the literally-frozen-in-place Seven and smirked, which made the blue Yveltal fearful.

They picked Seven up by the fur collar she had, which wasn't too bad to her at first, and then she realized she was being dragged over to the large sycamore.

Seven realized 5 seconds before what was about to happen as the Xerneas bashed her head in with the tree trunk. A crack was heard upon impact and she went limp in their grip.

Emerald was frozen with fear and he started crying, which was not easily able to be seen with the rain, now moderately falling. His breath was shaky.

The other Xerneas' were staring at him now, but he couldn't tell what they were thinking. All he could think about was the limp Seven by the tree.

One of the other Xerneas grabbed him by the neck and dragged him over to the lead Xerneas, who looked at him with disappointment.

"I can't believe we had a traitor in our midst." They said.

"'M n-not a t-traitor..." he stuttered through bared teeth, tears still streaming down his face.

He felt so disconnected to what was happening in reality that he didn't hear anything else they had said, and the last thing he remembered was everything going black.

Fire and Whispers (rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now