Chapter 1

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Present day

"Now son, look at the Earth and tell me what you see from your point of view." A large Yveltal spoke gently to a smaller shiny Yveltal, who was flapping his wings faster than the adult at his side to stay afloat. He heard his words and scanned the ground beneath them, smiling.

"Well, I see nice mountains and forests below! The mountains are still and the trees are green!" He said as he looked at him, thinking the answer was sufficient.

The bigger Yveltal smiled a little bit when he saw his son's enthusiasm. It reminded him of when he was that young.

"What else do you see?" He inquired, curious about what else he was thinking.

The younger one looked at the ground again, his expression turning into one of confusion upon seeing the human towns scattered throughout their home region.

"Human dens..." he said.
"They're so small. How do they live?" He seemed more curious than anything, but he would never dare go near.

"Not even we know, unfortunately." His father replied.

"But pay attention to the rest of it." He turned back towards the large forests and mountains they called home.
"You will carry on in my place after I step down as leader, Ren. This will all be yours to watch over." The parent Yveltal said with a hint of fatherly pride in his voice.

Ren looked a little nervous as he turned back to his father.
"I'm not sure if I'm ready for that..." he answered honestly, his feet fidgeting a bit.

"It will be okay, son. You won't be alone. Me, your mother, and the rest of us will be there to guide you and help you to make tough decisions when you can't do it alone. You will make a great leader in some years." He reassured the shiny Yveltal with a little nuzzle.

Ren felt a little better hearing that he would have everyone's support when the time came, but a question itched his brain...

"Dad?" He asked.

"Hm?" Was the reply he got back.

"Do you think the Xerneas would support me too...?" He questioned hopefully, though his expression still had a hint of anxiety to it.

Ren's father sighed.
"We had this talk, Ren... we do not speak of those foul Pokémon. They antagonize us and they only care about themselves. They would not care if you were a leader or not." He spoke in a soft but stern way. Ren was silent for a moment as he processed the answer he received.

"O-oh... I just thought... maybe..." his voice trailed off as he looked away. He felt stupid asking such a silly question.

His father sighed once more, but in a more lighthearted way.
"What am I gonna do with you?" He chuckled a bit.

His efforts to show he wasn't mad at Ren paid off as the younger shiny Yveltal looked back at him with a small smile.

"It's alright, I'm not angry. You'll learn in time. After all, you're still young. Speaking of which... would you like to go see your new little sibling now?" He asked with a hint of excitement.

"Yes, absolutely!" Ren nodded quickly with a big smile on his face and the two legendary Pokémon descended back into their territory where their group's nest lay.


Somewhere in a neighboring forest, a young shiny Xerneas was playing with some of the residents she felt proud to call her friends, a skitty and a shiny umbreon. They were playing hide-n-seek.

"Found you!" The seeker was the skitty, whose name was Lyra, and she had just found the Xerneas.

"Aww! I thought I was hiding really well!" She pouted, but then it turned into a chuckle.

"Nope! Your antlers were sticking out!" Lyra giggled as she pointed to said antlers on the shiny Xerneas.

"Not fair to count those!" The legendary Pokémon came out of her hiding spot and looked around.
"Let's go find Benny now!" She said excitedly, prancing about.

"Wait for me, Valerie!" Lyra followed as quickly as she could with a big grin on her face.

Benny was stealthily hiding in a large bush, tucking his tail and his paws in as well as flattening his ears so they didn't stick out. He silently giggled as he heard the two pass his hiding spot.

"Now, if I were Benny, where would I hide and how would I keep the illusion?" Valerie thought out loud as she looked around for any clues. Lyra was also looking around.

Valerie silently pointed towards the large bush that Benny hid in, signaling towards it to Lyra. She smirked and crept towards the bush slowly so he wouldn't hear her coming. It worked!

"Boo! Found you!" She parted the bush to reveal Benny and he yelped in surprise. They both laughed as he jumped out of the bush and shook the leaves off his fur. Valerie walked towards the two.

"Alright, Lyra found me first, so now it's my turn to count!" She said excitedly.
"You guys ready?"

The two smaller Pokémon nodded.

Valerie turned around and started counting from one. The two scrambled away quickly to find their hiding spots.

Valerie hadn't even gotten to ten when she heard a familiar voice.


Her ears flattened in displeasure as her friends came back out.

"Ah, shoot. That's my mom, guys. Maybe we can play again later?" She asked. The two smaller Pokémon nodded and watched her race off to see what her mother wanted.

"Mother! Mother, where are you?" Valerie called out as she hopped across a small stream and paid attention to the path in front of her. She stopped when she noticed a figure standing atop one of the bigger rock ledges.

A rather strong-looking Xerneas looked down at Valerie and leapt, landing in front of the smaller Xerneas while maintaining a powerful aura.

She made eye contact with Valerie while she spoke in a cool tone.

"It is time, my child. Walk with me."

"Yes, ma'am!" Valerie quickly nodded as her mother took the lead, guiding her through the forest. Her mother had an aura she only sensed during battle or important situations, it rocked her to her core.

"Now, Valerie, do you know what we are doing right now?" Her mother asked.

"Er- no, I don't know." She answered honestly. She had to admit that the forest scenery was very nice on her eyes though.

"Valerie, one day I'm going to step down as leader and you will be the one to look after the herd. In order to be able to protect them, I am going to show you the very boundaries of our territory and where not to step. Another important note, you must never, ever speak to an Yveltal. Am I understood?" She explained.

"Why not? They are Pokémon just like us!" Valerie argued.

"They are nothing like us! They are selfish and have no regard for others. They have no souls." She replied immediately in a rather cold tone. Valerie didn't feel like she could believe those words though. Had her mother ever had a normal conversation with an Yveltal? How would she know they are heartless and not kind and caring?

"But have you ever talked to one?" She asked.

"There's no use reasoning with them. They attack on sight if you don't do it first." Her mother replied.

"Maybe one of them CAN be reasoned with though! You shouldn't generalize a whole population of Pokémon-"

"Valerie, we are done talking about this. We still have much of the territory to cover. Come, my daughter."

Valerie annoyingly huffed and trekked on with her mother through the rest of the territory.

Fire and Whispers (rewritten)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα