Precious Eunkwang💞🖤

Start from the beginning


Eungkwan was out he went to cube entertainment to practice on his vocals and he was also going to meet up with his cute little dongsaeng puppy Seungmin from Straykids so he wanted to quickly finish his vocal lessons and go visit Seungmin 


after his vocal lessons, he made his way out of the vocal room and was ready to leave once out of cube he made his way to JYP to go see Seungmin which is 20 minutes away walking which is what he is going to do since he is fat or that's what haters and bullies make him believe. He almost arrives at JYP he gets jumped and dragged into a small alley by 3 men whose faces he couldn't see clearly but they clearly don't seem to like Eungkwan as they start to kick him in the stomach and call him horrible things such as "you ugly pig" "worthless pig" "you should leave BTOB pig" "leader my ass fat stupid pig" and more which just starts to get even worst such as "you shouldn't have been born at all" "hope you die worthless pig" "the world would be better without you just die already" "poor of your mother who had you" Eungkwan felt like dying at that point he felt like shit and he was in pain when he felt that they could almost kill him an old woman came yelling at him "YAAAH!! YAAAH!! LEAVE THE BOY ALONE!!" she yelled at him and they ran as fast as lighting she then came forwards Seungkwan and looked at him "are you still alive young boy?" she asked and Eungkwan slightly nodded she sigh in relief "let me take you to the hospital"she said and Eungkwan looked at him then out of a sudden he heard a male speaking Korean but with a certain foreign accent and he immediately reconigez it as Straykids leaders voice  Bangchan then he felt two boys lift him up and another male spoke up but this time a more fluent Korean that was defiantly not a foreign it was the second oldest of straykids Lee Know "ma'am its fine we know him we will take care of him" he said and bowed at her and the old lady nodded and looked at Eungkwan "well then take care young man" she said and Eungkwan nodded and tried to bow but he was stopped by the other foreign member of straykids Felix "hyung don't your hurt" he said and Eungkwan nodded then he felt the two boy who had him up were makne I.N and second maknae Seungmin and then he heard Cghan speak English "Peneil hyung we are taking Eungkwan hyung to the hospital he is serveraly injured" he said and the res he didn't understand he then saw Changbin and Hyunjin who brought a nurse with them who had a strecher with them then he saw Han hold him down and helped Seungmin and I.N bring him closer to the strecher then he saw chan approach him "Hyung the BTOB hyungs are coming to see you in the hospital kay"he said and Eungkwan nodded 


All the members were around Eungkwan bed the doctor had told him that he had really bad injuries and that he had an eating disorder from not eating the members told the doctor that they would make sure that he eats and stays healthy also the doctor told them that he can leave today but now the members expected an answer but none of them wanted to speak until Peniel did "Hyung who hurt you and why didn't you told us" he said and Eungkwan looks at him and speaks up "I-i-i p-peo-ple on-line d-d-did -i-t" he stuttered out then Minhyuk was the one to speak this time catching up to what was happening "for how long have they been bullying you hyung" he said and Eungkwan looked at him and turned around but nonetheless, he answered Minhyuk "3 months" the member's eyes widen at what they were told and Changsung said "Hyung  why didn't you told us that they were bullying you"Eungkwon looks down and says "I didn't want to bother you guys"he said and the he felt the two maknaes hug him and IIhoon spoke up "you could never be a bother hyung" and Sungjae added "yes hyung we don't want you to go trough this alone hyung" he said and the Hyunsik also hugged him and instantly Eungkwan felt better 


Eungkwan was now feeling better and the BTOB members went to cube to tell the company to sue those who have bullied and harmed Eungkwan and the members have been taking care of Eungkwan and spoiling him for example Minhyuk cooks all that he is craving and favorite foods and is always cleaning for him and taking care of him no wonder he is considered the mom of BTOB and chansub had been complimenting his vocals non stop and saying that he is a god at singing and in general just praising his vocals while his penie has been letting in him hug him dn sometimes kiss him and accepting his kinship while hyunsik has been playing his guitar and dedicated songs to Eungkwan a none stop and the maknae line have been complimenting him and his looks, leaderships, vocals, and more and have been playing with him and giving him attention and he is definitely grateful for his member who he dearly loves and who laso love him very much and he wouldn't change them for nothing and he would not pay attention to those horrible comments and pay attention to those haters since they are just jeleaous of how amazing he is and he would definitely tell his member everything and would not hide noting anymore to them.............

。・::・゚★,。・::・゚☆ - ☆。・::・゚★,。・::・゚☆
Anyways that's it hope fully you liked it and its similar to what you requested vikabjjworld

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