"Maybe after I talk to your sister," Mya giggled at the excited little boy. 

Mya walked over to the stairs before walking up them. Making her way down the hall, she passed the other bedrooms, and the bathroom, before reaching the last door at the end of the hall.

Knocking on it she waited a minute, and when she got no response, she tried to open the door but it was locked. "Lea, it's me, open up."

She heard some shuffling before the door was cracked open a bit. Lea pocked her head out. She had dark circles under her eyes and her hair looked messy and untamed. "What?"

"What?" Mya scoffed. "Don't give me attitude. Let me in loser."

Lea rolled her eyes before opening the door up more, allowing Mya in.

"Wow, you've..." Mya's eyes scanned the room. "Redecorated."

On the wall that used to hold posters of famous people, was what now looked like a true crime wall. But this one was converted with different things and information containing to Harry Potter, with strings connecting to different things. Her bed was messy and there were wrappers of food on it. A pile of clothing told her that Lea hadn't been doing laundry for a while. And on her desk sat Lea's laptop were sticky notes all around it, the screen looked to have some sort of fan website pulled up.

"Missed you at tryouts," Mya told her.

"I-I was busy," Lea tried to brush her hair out with her fingers. 

"I can see that," Mya pushed one of the wrappers away before sitting on the bed. "Care to explain with what?"

"I'm so close," Lea looked like one of those conspiracy theory people. 

"To what?" Mya asked.

"To getting us back," Lea looked at the wall, studying it. "I think I've figured it out. It's taken me months, but I've been studying patterns and things."

"Wait, wait, wait a minute," Mya waved her hand. "You mean back, back? Back to Harry Potter land?"

"Yeah," Lea smiled turning around. "I would have told you sooner, but I wanted it to be a surprise."

"Lea," Mya looked at her like she was crazy. "This is insane. We're here now. We have no magic here. Dumbledore is the only one who can even do that type of magic."

"No, he's not," Mya's face dropped, her jaw clenching. "We can do it ourselves, I know we can."

"Why do you even want to go back," Mya stood up. "Your family is here. Our friends are here. Our lives are here. We saved Sirius. We may have not done everything we wanted to do, but we saved him."

"We didn't do enough," Lea snaped. "We could have done more, but we didn't. We have to go back there Mya. Screw this world, everything here is a lie! Stop playing pretend."

"I'm not playing pretend," Mya was starting to get annoyed. "I'm trying to live my life and not obsess with one another one we can not live. Lea this is unhealthy."

"You don't understand," Lea turned back to look at the wall.

Mya sighed as she walked over to her, "Then explain it to me. Please, Lea, everyone is worried about you. You're not acting like yourself anymore."

"Well maybe I've changed," Lea whispered. "I just... I need to get back there."

"Explain it to me, please," Mya said. "If anyone can understand, it's me."

Lea looked over at her, tears prickling in her eyes. "H-He's all alone there. You know what they are going to do to him... he needs someone there, with him, helping. I-I need to be there with him so he knows he doesn't have to do it."

Journey: Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now