//Chapter 4//

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I dont know if this chapter is going to be long or not since im only writing this now so-
Anyways there will some lemons in the chapter but i'll have to build it up so for now its not rlly gonna be lemony and stuff maybe in the middle of the story or along the way, but i will be putting warnings before it happens so u can mentally prepare yourself for wat ur gonna picture in ur mind, im kinda scared as to wat will happen💀

But i know a specific 'someone' will like it im not going to name names cause i dont like exposing ppl unless they need to be exposed, oh god why am i ranting on with the story!



"Why are you so hot..." i said quietly but loud enough for him to hear.

"What?" He asked. "Um..." i said with an awkward laugh. I stepped backwards a bit but i tripped. When i looked up i saw Dan standing in front of me, his hand held out towards me.

Placing my hand in his i got up in a swift movement. His skin was a bit pink, his forehead with water, his hair dripping a bit. His figure was build quite handsomely. I looked down to his towel wrapped around his lower half. I felt his finger lift my head up, his eyes staring into mine.

"You dirty vampire." He said. All i could really do was stay silent. I blinked and found that his figure was gone.
'Was i hallucinating?' I thought to myself. My hands were at my face and i found that my cheeks were blazing hot. 'I must be looking like Ailfred.' I thought to myself with a slight chuckle.

Glancing around the room i found Dan sleeping on his bed. Unconsciously i walked over to the side and observed him. His lips were slightly parted, few of his hair strands sticking to his forehead. Eyes closed. 'He looks peaceful when sleeping...as always.' I thought smiling to myself.

I thought back to Alpha. 'I wonder if he's ok... i hope he is, he bruises like a peach. I wonder if Jeremy will come by our castle to visit him, knowing he has a crush on my little brother. Its kinda weird but i think they are a good pair. Ailfred is sometimes shy and is flustered easily, Jeremy is a talkative person, like to tease people. They should match perfectly personality wise and physically wise.' I thought.

I zoned out and got lost in my thoughts, i was brought back to reality when Dan woke up. Panicking i ran and jumped into his closet before he could see me. There was a tiny crack that was left when i closed the doors. I watched him wake up through it. A sweet and familiar smell filled the air in his closet and it made me think of his scent. I turned to face one of his hoodies hoping he didn't hear me. Grabbing it by the arms i dug my face into it and inhaled the scent.

It smelled exactly like him. Weirdly enough i started hugging it. I heard light footsteps coming towards the closet and i started panicking. 'How i wish i could go invisible right now! Why can't i be full vampire!?' I whined silently to myself.

The closet door rapidly swung open and when i opened my eyes i saw Dan jump back a bit with a shocked look on his face. "Hi?" I said with an awkward laugh though it came out a bit muffled since the right side of my face was covered in the hoodie. "Oh gosh!" He said and let out a half relieved half annoyed sigh. "You again! What do you want!?" He asked. I stepped out of the closet a bit heartbroken when he asked me that.

"I told you i'll come back soon didn't i?" I said. "Well i didn't think it would be this soon! I thought after a day or 2!" He said. I frowned a bit realising he doesn't expect me to visit often.

I made my way towards the window about to leave before i get him more annoyed. "Wait!". My head whipped around swiftly and it faced him, a small smile on my face. 'Please don't let me go! I only got here a few minutes ago i don't really want to leave yet! Please please please please please please tell me to stay!' I thought to myself.

Her Overwhelming Love {DISCONTINUED}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum