//Chapter 2//

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Hehe i hope yall loved the cliffhanger from las t chapter :) also Ailfred is like me so basically i made a character based on myself lol but not exactly like me just has personality traits similar to me lol. And also i will make a chapter based on visuals to give you an idea of how you should imagine each character so yea thats it 😏

Warning⚠(there is a bit of it but i'll tell you when it stops so if ur homophobic u can still enjoy the rest of the chapter😁)


Jeremy's {POV}

I disappeared as Val started taking the 2 bowls out of a cupboard. I went up stairs to her room and surprisingly i found her little Brother Ailfred. He was laying on her bed playing video games on his phone. "Oh hey Jerry." He said to me.

"Hey what ya doing?" I asked up. He got up from her bed and made his way towards me and showed me a game he was playing. He had to stand on his toes bit since i was way taller than him. The game was quite colourful. He was wearing a black oversized shirt and a pair of shorts and ankle high white socks it made him look kinda cute.

He was walking back to the side of her bed to get on it again. When he did i jumped him. It caught him by surprise a little. He instantly turned as red as a tomatoe. I chuckled a little bit before starting to tickle him. He was laughing like crazy and begged me to stop but i carried on in any case. When i stopped i noticed goosebumps on his arms and handed him by hoodie i put it on. It looked better on him in any case. Thats when Val walked in. I looked back at her with a smirk on face.

"Why now!?" She asked me , i didn't reply to her question but i got off on top of Ailfred and just went downstairs. "Oh my you look as red as a tomato!!" I heard her say to her brother. "What were you guys doing!?" I heard her ask. I just laughed at her question and ate the noodles she set on the table. I finished quickly and placed my bowl into the sink to rinse it.

She offered her food to Ailfred. And he gladly accepted. He sat next to me on the couch, he still looked a little pink, but he did a bit cute. I looked away quickly before he caught me staring at him. "Hey Alpha whats that game called?" I asked him still looking at the tv. My nickname for him was Alpha , it was similar to his name though i preferred calling him Alpha.

"Which-game?" He asked me in between eating. "That game we- I mean you were playing on your phone?" I said. "Oh...Its called Candy crush!" He said finishing his food. He stood up to put his bowl in the sink but Val stopped him before he reached the kitchen,she took his bowl for him and she looked at me smirking, I just glared at her before rolling my eyes.

Alpha came back to sit next to me and he laid on the other side of the couch, his feet almost reaching to where i sat. I glance at him and saw that he had fallen asleep in a comfortable position. He looked peaceful while wearing my hoodie . I felt heat on my cheeks and i instantly looked away feeling a bit embarrassed. Val walked in and had this wide grin on her face.

"What?" I said glaring at her. "Oh nothing~ Have a little crush on my brother?" She asked . I just scoffed at her question looking away. "I'm going home." I said standing up and making my way to the door. "I thought you wanted to-" I opened the door and left before i could hear whatever she had left to say.

I made my way out the woods and to a mountain with a castle on top of it. "Here we go..."

(This is where the lgbtq+ stuff ends so enjoy!)
Val's {POV}

I smirked to myself watching Jeremy head out the door. I turned around to face Ailfred. Watching him sleep. I headed upstairs to my room and found the blankets a bit messed up so i fixed them for next time i come to our hideout.

Her Overwhelming Love {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now