Chapter 38

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just wanted you guys to know that the POV switches in the middle of the chapter and there is a bit of a time jump (just by a few days) 


"Wait, where's Eva?" Eric asks as he walks into the living room.

"She wanted Harry, so he just took her with him while he got the rest of his stuff from his old apartment." I explained, walking over to the couch as he trailed behind me.

I had texted Eric about fifteen minutes after Harry and Eva left. I needed someone else's opinion on what I was trying to decide. I didn't want to choose to do this and regret it later on. Plus, I needed to register for fall classes and I didn't want to do it alone, seeing as Eric had helped me do it last year.

"What a shame, that's who I really came over to see," he teases, a fake pout on his lips as he sits back on the couch with his arms crossed, looking like a sad five-year-old.

I let out a chuckle as I pulled my laptop back onto my lap, pulling up the registration page.

"You are a dick, you know that? I hate you." I say, my head shaking as I scroll down the page.

"Liar. You love me," he whispers, scooting closer to see what I'm doing. "Let me guess. Need me to do it again?"

"Please?" I say, jutting out my lip as I turn to look at him.

He releases a scoff and steals the computer from my legs. Moving to sit with his legs crossed, he places the computer on his thighs.

"Do you know the ones you want to take?" He asks, glancing at me quickly before turning back to the computer.

"No really, I want to focus more on the English part of my degree though," I say, toying with my fingers. "I actually need to ask you something..." I trail off, turning slightly so I'm facing him.

"What is it? You can ask me anything," he mumbles, his brows furrowing as he rolls his lips inward, staring down at the laptop as he clicks around on the mouse pad.

Deep breaths. Everything is going to be fine.

I know it isn't something that's huge, but I absolutely hate change. I hate things changing after being used to the same thing for so long.

And this is definitely going to be a huge change if I end up deciding to follow through, also it's something new, so it's even scarier.

"So I'm trying to figure out what to do after we graduate, y'know.." I say, wrapping my arms around my waist. "And I want to focus more on the English part of my degree, so I was searching around and found an internship," I continued, Eric's fingers pausing on the keyboard and his eyes glancing at me. "At this publishing house in the city, I was trying to decide if I should apply. I really want to write. I kind of figured that out over the last few weeks. I really enjoy it and I want to see where it takes me, but I guess I'm just... unsure?"

I let out a heavy breath as I finished, letting my eyes meet his for the first time.

"So you want my opinion?" he asks, his brows furrowing.

My head nodded. "Mhm."

"Well, I think you would be a brilliant writer. I mean, I kind of saw glimpses of your journals that you try so hard to hide from everyone while we were working one day. It was amazing. You have a great talent, and I can see you doing amazing things in that field," he says. My heart swells at his words, and I have the urge to cry. "As for the internship, I think that's a great opportunity. It could get your foot in the door and it seems like something that you're really excited about," he adds. My brows furrow, and he gives me a sly smile. "Don't act so surprised. I could hear it in your voice when you were talking about it."

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