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*Flash back*
"Come on ginger we need to get going you know if you get lazy your feet will crumble" dozer said to scare gingerbrave
"Stop! You know that gets me scared I'm 11 now can we please just keep going I wanna get out of this place before the witch finds us!" gingerbrave said getting annoyed
"Ok let's get-" dozers words get cut off seeing the only thing they didn't wanna see the witch.
"G.. ginger run" dozer says in a new voice a voice of fear. Gingerbrave confused looked behind to meet the eyes of the witch. Gingerbrave runs with dozer following behind both of them on the run until gingerbrave hears dozer scream. "GINGER! DOZER!" gingerbrave watching as his brother is screaming and crying he tries to hit the witch with the crumbs he sees on the wooden table throwing them at the witch. She starts to slowly eat dozer gingerbrave only able to watch seeing his own brother getting eaten one by one legs, arms, torso, lastly the head. As dozer stops screaming he says his final words to gingerbrave "When I get there I'll tell ma and pa you said hi" gingerbrave crying at the sentence knowing if he stays he'd be next so he runs until he breaks down behind a pot. Death. That's all he could think of death. He wanted to help he wanted to wake up but it was real. All real. Silence nothing but silence wishing something or someone there to help him but no one. Thoughs.
All he could do was stay still and cry. Pity on yourself doesn't solve anything self pity is useless he thought. Gingerbrave finally getting up wiped away his candy frosting tears he starts to wander the place quietly knowing any wrong movement could put him in danger. All of a sudden he hears a noise. Two voices in fact. Cookies? More witch's? He walked care fully over but didn't notice he was being watched as well. "BOO!" Gingerbrave frightened by a cookie fell onto his back blurry from falling his vision starts to work as he looks up he sees someone new. "Sorry I didn't mean you scare you like that! Uhh here let me help you up" as the new cookie helps gingerbrave up he starts to have vision of the "memory" he shakes his head to finally see the cookie in the eye." thank you.." gingerbrave says in a quiet tone" it's my pleasure! " the cookie says in a happy manor" oh! I am so rude I haven't entroduced myself! My name is ginger bright what's yours? "" oh um I'm gingerbrave nice to meet you."" Your kinda quiet is something wrong? ""Oh no, I'm fine just a little spooked by you scaring me and also about you another cookie" " oh, sorry but if you'd like this as a complement your the third cookie I've seen in months " Gingerbrave stayed quiet not knowing how to react other cookies? And for how long?" who are the two others?"gingerbrave said in a confused voice" look behind you gingerbread man" gingerbrave turning back seeing two other cookies he gets startled and almost falls but catches himself.

"" Your kinda quiet is something wrong? ""Oh no, I'm fine just a little spooked by you scaring me and also about you another cookie" " oh, sorry but if you'd like this as a complement your the third cookie I've seen in months " Gingerbrave stayed ...

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"Oh uh hello there" the strawberry cookie says meanwhile the short wizard behind her just stares. Gingerbrave a little startled tries to change the subject. "So.. What's your names?"
"Oh I'm strawberry cookie" "wizard cookie and please don't get too close you'll make me lose brain cells" gingerbrave feeling a bit more happy knowing he's not lonely anymore starts smiling "There it is!" ginger bright says "there is what!" gingerbrave says a bit getting scared "oh! Sorry it's just your smiling now, I haven't seen that earlier" ginger bright says in an awkward tone." hey by any chance of you wanna help us with our plans on escaping this dump?" ginger bright asked gingerbrave. Gingerbrave getting flashbacks he shakes his head knowing that he can't get scared he can't give up now." sure what's the plan?"
*flash back ends*

(Sorry this is so short I'll try to make a bigger one tomorrow since I'll have more free time :,D)

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