New Team

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Warning(s): Feels Galore? Maybe... Read to find out!
Word Count: 2653 Words.


 You heard a chuckle, or maybe it was maniacal laughter - you couldn't tell. The Warden came up to the table, he looked very pleased with himself. He picked up the stranded needle, looking at it with awe.

 "The doctor wanted you to have this." He shoved the needle into your neck, injecting the liquid as fast as he could. His face curving into a smile before he ran out, leaving you behind in the empty room.

 Your body jerked as the new found ability was zooming throughout your system. Tears streaked your face, your eyes burning in response. It felt like someone was ripping you apart from the inside out, pressure built on your mind. You clenched your fists, unwilling to let your consciousness slip from you again. You were stronger than that, and you knew it.

 The doors on the wall flew across the room as a metal robot entered the room. You couldn't hear if it said anything, but soon after people rushed into the room. There were several men and a woman, they didn't look like the staff that lurked around here. 'Maybe they're the good guys? Oh I hope.'


 The group of strangers gathered around the table, looking at you with mixed emotions. Well, I mean- why wouldn't they? You were wearing a collar, and a horrifying mask. Your wrists and ankles were bruised badly; in fact, your skin was swollen with a deep purple color around those areas. You looked like a victim from a horror movie gone bad.

 Your eyes felt heavy, you cold barely keep them open. And you heard the people speaking, but it was all muffled sounds. You could still tell they were talking about you, every once in a while someone would reference you with their hand. It was as if a dream state washed over you; you could understand what was happening, but you couldn't do anything about it. Your energy had left you, your "lovely"  final encounter with the Warden was finally leaving its toll.

 A tall, very muscular man with blond hair and blue eyes broke your restraints easily, after the group of people had ended their discussion. 'Or maybe I just can't hear anything at all now? ' He lifted you off the table, holding you closely in a bridal style fashion, he also was holding a hammer in his right hand. You didn't know when they had left, but when you turned your head everyone else had vanished. You looked back up only to see blurs of colors, the man holding you was outside already. 'What is happening right now? This isn't adding up.' Slipping out of consciousness, the last thing you recall is being loaded into a jet by a dirty blond, blue eyed man with a bow.


 You tried to lift yourself into a sitting position, a hand reached your shoulder and pushed down gently. The hand belonged to a man with curly brown hair and brown eyes, he looked worried. Scanning the area with your droopy (e/c) eyes, you found the metal robot looking at you. It felt unnerving, like it was summing you up. Suddenly, the face of the robot lifted up and revealed a man. 'So it was looking me over.'

 Looking down you see you're in a new attire, and you have bandages over your wounds. You feel around your face and see that the mask is gone, a little lower you still feel the collar. Your tired expression quickly changes into one of despair, your eyes shining with fear. 'Maybe they aren't the good guys!'  You can't refrain yourself from looking from the two men in the room to the door.

 A burst of energy jolts throughout your body. Taking this as a cue to escape, you jumped up into a standing position and ran through the door, the devices that were once connected to you left behind. You ran down the corridor, looking over your shoulder at the two men chasing you. You ran down another hallway, knocking over a few people in the process. 'Oh, um- I'll say sorry later.'  You thought.

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