Mistaken • Chapter Seven

Start from the beginning

" Miss, any patient with the name of Mattheo Sodi Colunga? " I asked the nurse on duty in a hurried tone.

She quickly flipped the pages of the record book, scanning the list. " Room 216, Ma'am." she answered.

We dashed up the stairs. Every heart beat felt heavy, as if a dagger had pierced it a hundred times, then I feel drowning into a pool of worry knowing that there may be a possibility that his condition would be fatal. And that would break my heart into a million pieces if it means I would loose the only thing that kept me strong, the blessing that I received, thanking the heavens for it many times. In short, I love him so much that I grew so dramatic in my imagination, hallucinating the fatal incidents that affected him. And Fernando, despite the rocky situation and annulment he still hasn't been aware about yet. He has been through the same way I am feeling when it comes to fatal or light situations involving Mattheo, our son.

We reached the hallway of the rooms between 200 - 218. I recognize the figure of his teacher standing outside the room, leaning to the pearl white walls. We approached her in a formal way.

" Mrs. Sodi, I'm glad you finally came. Mattheo has been crying for you. " the teacher, clearly had the traces of weeping that could be seen from the redness of her eyes.

" How is he? " Fernando interrupted. " What happened to him? "

" As observed by another colleague of mine, the bullies from the higher grade scared the poor boy and cornered him by a tree. Mattheo climbed up the high tree, since the bullies were trying to get him down, they shook the tree and he fell hard into the ground. My colleague ran to playground to stop the commotion but it was too late. " she told us the whole story. I wish I could've talked back to her for her careless action of not watching over the students but I could't blame her since she has rights. " We already contacted the parents of these children and the children are suspended for two weeks. "

" That's good, now, they've learned their lesson. " Fernando mumbles to himself.

" How's my son? What did the doctors say? " I interrogated the teacher.

" I don't know the real result of the tests. The doctors will just come and tell you about it. All I know that he is stable and has stopped crying. " she flashed a crumpled smile. " You can get in if you want to see Mattheo. " she opens the door to the private room.

We entered the ward and on the wide, white bed laid the body of my poor son. His eyes shut in deep slumber, skin as pale as the dove's feathers, lengths of bandages covered his head and his body was like lifeless, like a dead corpse. I took little steps near to one side of the bed. I couldn't help but let all the tears flow from my eyes, to my cheeks and down to my clothes. I touched Mattheo's face, caressing his soft cheek. I couldn't help but burst out the feeling of being wretched. I searched for Fernando's presence, he was behind me all along. I clung to his coat and cried, wetting his clothing with tears, prisoning myself in his arms. He rubbed my back.

" Shh. " He hushed through my hair. " Everything's going to turn out fine. " he assured. I let all my despair out.

I'm just glad he's here as a father.

Mattheo slept on and we remained watching his peaceful slumber, resting his poor, worn out body. I cuddled and locked myself in the arms of Fernando on the couch, resting my head on his chest. I felt the warmth of his breaths against my hair, he fondles his fingers with the strands. I got up from Fernando's prisoning hug when we hear a knock on the door.

" Good afternoon. I'm Dr. Guerra. You must be the boy's parents. " A middle aged man in a lab coat with thick glasses comes inside the ward.

" Yes. I'm Mr. Fernando Colunga and this is my wife, Thalia. " more like ex wife. Still stuck in the time when we called it love, perhaps. He introduces and exchanges handshakes with the brilliant looking doctor. " What's wrong with my son, doctor?

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