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  Only a Britannian can beat Britannia. I take those words to heart now Zer- or should I say little brother?-Vincent vi Britannia to Zero


  [2009 a. t. b., Somewhere in the E.U]

    "This is a classified area, I'm gonna need your ID. Exit the car immediately." A security guard spoke in French at the gate asked towards the driver seat of an all black car. The driver rolled down the window and looked straight at the guard who was flashing his flashlight at him at the black of night.

    The guard gasps as he sees his face. 'W-hat? A child! And he's driving too!' The kid looked around 11 years old in height with a black military helmet with a skull half mask and black sunglasses with body armor.

   " What the hell! A kid-" The guard didn't get to finish his sentence as the boy pulled down his sunglasses and showed 2 glowing red crane symbols.

    The next words died in the mans throat (literary), as the child driver took a little rock out of his pocket, the Geass in his right eye glowed a flicked it at the mans head.

   It disappeared through the mans head and creating a bloody mess from the mans forehead and ending his life. But it also did not just do that. It passed through everything. Explosions ran out behind the dead body as it passed through buildings in the government compound.

   The child outstretched a hand out of the car to stop the rock from flying through the mountain. "Had your fun yet Vincent? Our are we gonna go complete the task at hand?" A man in his 30's with a south African accent said across from Vincent spoke.

  "My ass, dad can wait. I haven't had my fun yet. And anyways where the hell is the rest of the security, they should be here by now?" Vincent said with his expression hidden and his dark blue eyes rolling.

  Before Blisk can respond they both heard the loud ringing of gunfire. Before they both exit the vehicle Vincent says.

  "Lets go have some fun, Blisk."

    "Finally I can get back to Aries Villa. . ."

    "Were not done yet here mate, papa wants you to meet him on the Sword."

   "Shit, Lelouch will be quiet angry that I can't play a chess match today. . ."

    "Welp I'll stay down here guarding your body while your up there. I just hope Kane doesn't sniff the white stuff this mission. . . Honestly why do we keep that junkie around?"

    "Because he's a good pilot."

         Vincent was pissed. No, he was furious. His father had told him to meet him in the Sword Of Akasha. Perfectly normal. His dad did that all the time when he conquered a new Thought Elevator ruin. Of course the fuck face just decided not to show up.

     Now he missed his chess match with Lelouch or a tea party with Nunnally or Euphemia. Fucking hell can he just get a break today!. . .


         Charles zi Britannia always felt indifference towards his children. They were all weak and shallow. Maybe except Schneizel. But one thing he would never feel for them was. . .


    His 4th son Vincent vi Britannia. A beloved child from his favorite consort Marianne and the first of his children with her. But that Geass.

   And that little annoying. . . It was all a mystery. One day 1 year ago Vincent was sent on a black ops mission in the Chinese Federation because they were getting close to the Geass Cult base.

   Then he met her.

   Kurumi Tokasaki. If you could define her attitude she's like a second Marianne. . . But there was something wrong with her. She was a code bearer, so she should be able to give out Geass via contracts right?

Yes. She could give out Geass but she wasn't immortal at all.

Tho there was one thing. Why the hell did she get to keep her Geass and Victor and C.C didn't?

    Charles rubbed his temples in annoyance. Another problem to deal with. . . Suddenly his old friend Bismarck Waldstein the Knight Of One came rushing through the door.

      "Bismarck. I told you I didn't-"

       "Lady Marianne has been assassinated!"

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