Chapter 7: Announcements

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"You may be seated." Stated Odin as he walked towards the table and took his seat. We all sat down, Volstagg diving for the food before his had even sat down yet. But to his dismay Odin had started speaking. "Before every one starts to eat I would like to make an announcement. " He said in a loud, proper voice. From the corner from my eye I could see Volstagg pout slightly, a small giggle escaping my lips at his actions.

"As some of you may have noticed we have someone new joining us for dinner this evening. " He paused and motioned his hand towards me. All eyes were on me for a moment an me being shy and awkward shyly waved whilst leaning further into my car as an attempt to hide myself, which I obviously realised wouldn't work."Now this news may come as a bit of a shock to you but her name is Nessa...." He looked towards me with proud and joy in his eyes. "And she is my daughter." He said loud enough for every one to hear. "What!?" yelled a blond women who was sitting across from me. I did not recognise her. Every one else just sat there with their eyes bulging out and their mouths open. It was actually quite funny.

"How could she possible be your daughter." Ask the blonde, anger and annoyance clearly showing on her face. "Because she had been sent to Midgard twenty years ago and after being found by shield has now returned to us. " Said Odin calmly to the girl. She still looked quite angry but I couldn't imagine why. "Well how do you know that she isn't just some wanna-be goddess who's posing as your daughter but is really a Midgardian, homeless, attention seeking gold digger." She said her tone sour and full of hate. I'll admit her words did sting I mean, she had no right to say those things in front of everyone ESPECIALLY not my family.

"Well, excuse me but who are you? And what right do you have to make those, by the way incorrect, assumptions about me?" I asked attitude only vaguely present in my tone showing that I did not care completely of what this girl had to say about me. "My name is Huld." She said matter of factly. "And I only have the interest of the kingdom at heart you attention seeking, gold digger!" She said angrily getting out of her chair and looking at me in the eyes. I stood up to sick of this girl talking trash about me. At the rate she's going her lips would of soon be sown shut!

"Ladies settle down, let us end this before it becomes a uncalled for unnecessary fight." Thor's voiced boomed but I had been to concentrated on staring Huld down to even notice. "Come on, fight me go after me that'll just show how weak and petty you are." She seethed. My eyes narrowed but I would not go down to her level I would not fight her not yet at least. "No your not worthy to waste my time over now, you are just pathetic and desperate. Now if you'll excuse me I have some thing to do." I stated a smirk on my face as Huld went red. I stood from my seat and walked out of the dining hall completely ignoring the angry calls from Odin.

How dare she say something like that, she had no right! But I guess I shouldn't sorry too much about it she was probably just doing it to get attention or is jealous or something. Being the daughter of Odin people would think highly of you (unless your a mean and always hurting them) and always treat you like you are the most important person in the world.


An hour had passed since I left the dining room and I was bored out of my brain not to mention hungry. I was lying on my bed, on my stomach, with my head resting on my arms. I was about to get up so I could walk to the garden when a knock sounded on my door. "Unless your hear to bring me food then go away." I mumbled into my arms." It is me Kenna." Spoke a soft voice through the door.

"Oh..... well then you can come in." I responded. Kenna walked into my room with a small smile present on her face. "The All father is requesting your presence. He says that it is time to announce to the people of your presence." She said her voice not showing the nervousness it did the last time she spoke to me. "Oh that's happening now?........ well this should be interesting." I mumbled mostly to myself.

"If you don't mind me asking but what is this announcement about?" She asked softly, her head slightly turtles to the side, eyes filled with curiosity. "Oh! Umm....... you'll find out soon." I responded, biting my lip to suppress the laugh that threatened to come out at the look on her face. She looked scared like it would be bad news.

I smiled at her before dismissing her and walking towards the entrance knowing that Odin would be waiting for me.

Once I arrived at the front entrance I saw that Odin had gathered the people outside the palace gates. Every one was murmuring about what would most likely be why Odin had called everyone here. I saw Odin standing in front of the large golden gates separating us from the crowd his back to me facing the crowd. I walked upto Odin and stood next to him. "Are you ready for this?" Odin asked me softly not moving his eyes from the large crowd in front. "I've got nothing too lose my situation can't possibly get any worse so, the real question is are YOU ready." I responded me. He turned his head to face giving me a half smile before turning back to the crowd, standing tall and approaching the gates which were slowly opening. I followed him two steps behind feeling kind of nervous at how they will react.

"Citizens of Asgard I have called you hear today to tell you news of great importance." He started, his voice booming as he extended his arms out for emphasis. The crowd fell silent as he started to speak. "As you all know I have two sons Thor and Loki but, what you do not know is that I also have a daughter." Murmurs Erupted through the crowd making me even new nervous. The people's faces showed shock, disbelief and surprise.

Odin motioned for me to come forward so I did standing next him. People started to point at look at me but stopped when Odin started speaking again. "This is my daughter Nessa a strong, independent and brave young women who is now Asgard's new princess." Odin said proudly as he placed a tiara on my head. The crowd cheered and applauded me which I was very happy about. But I'll admit that last part of Odin's announcement surprised me especially when he pulled out the tiara I mean wow..... this moment was perfect.

I was smiling and waving towards the crowd when suddenly Thor's arms wrapped around my waist from behind giving me a hug. I placed my hand on top of his still smiling feeling nothing but pure happiness right now.

After a few minutes we headed inside whilst the people went back to their normal lives.I smiled at Odin and Thor before heading to my room. There was a tray of food on my bedside chest which I gladly ate before changing into Midgardian PJ's with my magic, which I found were very comfortable to sleep in, and went to sleep. It was kind of early to be sleeping but this day had been long and eventful and I was exhausted. I laid there for a moment thinking over today's events before going into a dreamless sleep.


Hey guys,

Seventh chapter yay! Also I will put the dress Nessa was wearing to the side it comes out a little stretched though. The dress is quite plain and all but it's Asgard I can't exactly give her anything short, tight, low cut or really out there.

Dedicated to abbiemca because I love her book The impossible mission and the sequel Mischief's prince.

Haven't updated in over a week sorry school started and I've been busy and also forgetting to Soooooo sorry about that. Again not edited so sorry for any mistakes.

Interesting fact about the maid's name and the bitchy blondes' name. They're both Norse names like I try to make my characters name for the books. The maid's name Is Kenna which means to have knowledge, to know and the blondes name is Huld which means hidden, obscure, SECRET! Which could mean something OR I just liked the name.

Ok so that's it don't forget tell me what you think about the book maybe suggest what I could write about next cause I'm sorta stuck, tell me what you like what you don't like.




Bye guys! -K

The Secret Life of Nessa Odindaughter (Thor, Avengers fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora