Day 1: All According to Plan

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ok so cringe culture is dead and all that, blah blah blah, whatever

respectfully, I never saw myself writing for this fandom, but fate's a fickle thing, isn't it?

anywho, I need to clarify a thing or two bc the continuity of this thing is really funky and probably won't make sense unless I say something

- again, did not expect to be doing this and part of the reason for that is I have never played an actual sonic game before. half of the continuity of this fic is based on the little pieces of information i have from cultural osmosis and the odd bits of research I did to satisfy my personal curiosities, and the other half is based on snapcube's sonic real time fandubs bc they are my comfort videos and i have a problem. when in doubt, assume that i am going to be referencing the fandub bc i am way more familiar with that than any other piece of sonic media

- as a result, everyone is probably way ooc!! they say fuck a lot!! sonic is gay!! (actually no fuck you that's canon) i would say I'm sorry if this is unreadable to some of you, but honestly, I'm writing this for myself. i had a cool idea that i wanted to develop and now we're here.

- oh and i'm kinda a fucking freak, so i visualized and wrote the characters as like, human with like designs i made and shit. it works a little better for the story and i like it better, but keep that in mind if that annoys you

uh, so i hope you enjoy whatever the fuck this is


"Absolutely not!" Shadow's voice cut through the mission briefing. The focus of the eight kids was diverted towards him. He glared at Sonic, eye to eye with him. "We're not sending you on some sort of suicide mission just because you have a hero complex!"

Sonic turned to face his darker counterpart, mirroring his glare. In truth, he hadn't expected to receive opposition to his plan, least of all from Shadow. "I don't have a hero complex, and even if I did, that's not what this is about!" Sonic protested, "Our mission is to save those animals, so most of our manpower should be directed there! We just need someone to distract Eggman, and I'm great at that, so-"

"What if Metal Sonic's there?" Shadow interrupted, "Or you can't figure out how to dismantle the machine? Or Eggman has a trick up his sleeve that you aren't prepared for?" At the lack of a response, he continued. "This is Eggman's home terrain. We don't know what to expect. Going alone is idiotic."

"So, just go with him," Knuckles said with a shrug. At the bewildered expression of the two boys, he added, "That way he's not alone."

"I'm going with you too," Tails piped up, pushing his way to the front of the meager crowd. "Shadow's right. Eggman'll likely have a machine for his evil plan. While you guys do the distracting, I'll dismantle it."

This really wasn't going the way Sonic had wanted it to. In a perfect world, this would be a simple mission. Grab the animals and get as far away from Eggman as possible.

But the revelation that Eggman had taken the animals to a previously unknown island base of his kind of wrecked the simplicity. It became increasingly clear that this was not one of Eggman's evil deeds of the week. This was a plan, meticulously crafted to draw them to the island.

The whole thing made Sonic uneasy. No longer was fighting Eggman an uncomplicated, easy chore. It used to be just him and Tails, but now there were more people to take care of, more people to protect. The doctor's plans, as much as it pained him to admit, were getting harder and harder to beat. The last time Eggman had carried out one of his plans, Sonic had died. He couldn't let anything like that happen to his friends.

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