Chapter 1

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Tara's POV

As I stepped out of Palermo Airport with my luggage I checked my phone for the time and saw it was 2:26AM. I sighed and put the directions to my hotel into Google maps and saw it was only a 15 minute walk away from here. I grabbed my suitcase and carry on bag and started my way down the dimly lit, desolate street. The street was completely empty and I had a feeling something wasn't right. I heard a car in the distance but thought nothing of it as it could just be someone picking up a friend or relative from the airport. As the black SUV came closer it slowed down, which got my heart racing. Thinking about the worst case scenareo I prepared my self by grabbing the breath spray in my hand bag yes I know how stupid this sounds but its the only thing I have to protect myself the car slowed down even more as it drove past me. There were two men in the car. The one in the passenger seat stared at me whilst muttering something to his friend in the drivers seat and they sped up driving off. As the car drove off into the distance I nearly cried with relief. 

I saw the sign to my hotel and started speed walking towards it. I finally reached it and stepped inside immediately feeling safer. I walked up to the receptionist and she looked up at me. She gave me a tired smile and started speaking itallian. I didnt know what to do or say so I said the only phrase in itallian that I learned for scenareos like this "lei parla inglese?" she nodded and greeted me in english. I found out her name was sofia and she was the same age as me, we talked for a bit then she gave me my room key and I made my way up to my room.

As I entered my room and switched the light on I saw the most beautiful hotel room I've ever seen. There was a king sized bed with blue covers and a fluffy white throw blanket ontop. There was a painting of the sea on one of the walls which were painted half offwhite and half eggshell blue. I immedietly started unpacking my suitcase so that i didnt have to do it tomorrow, I wanted to go and look around the area and see why my mum was so fond of this place. The unpacking didnt take long as I decided to pack light which I was very greatful for. I grabbed a pair of trackies and a tshirt and went to the bathroom to get ready to sleep. I brushed my teeth and got changed, you know the usual routine, and slipped under the blanket. I grabbed my phone and text my parents that I got here safe and that I'd call them later on. I put my phone in the charger and turned the light off and drifted off into a dreamless sleep. 


OK theres the first chapter let me know what you think and anything you want to happen in the future I have a rough plan for the book but if there are any scenareos or tropes you want then leave a  comment!


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