Lets start in the begining

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Author's POV

          It was the beginning of summer when the Goddess of Death gave birth to two beautiful teca twins one that was destined to be the eagle warrior and one that was destined to be the warrior of Death.

(Lord Mictlan) What were you thinking?!
(lady Micte) -I made this for you, mi amor.

Lord Mictlan let out low growls and flys toward his wife to inspect the babies she's presenting to him then starts speaking

(Lord Mictlan) Spawns of a human and the goddess of death... The one thing that can actually hurt me. [Growls while looking at everyone else]
[everyone gasps]


Lord Mictlan growls again then starts to laugh
(lord Mictlan)Give me that thing
[he said as he launched forward towards the twins but lady Micte stops him]
(Lady Micte)-Wait, my dear..she said moving back so lord Mictlan didn't touch the twins
(Lady Micte)-If you sacrifice my half-divine child Maya and betrothed (Y/n) to I don't know Zatz... Then starts looking in the God of Bat's direction knowingly that he was plotting against her husband hoping that this could help by him time to perfect his plan against her husband [Maya starts babbling making (Y/n) giggle and grabs her feet while lady Micte moves her finger across Maya's throat and taps our noses while looking at us lovingly]
(Lady Micte)...It will increase your power immensely and increase your reputation [she holds her hand out to her husband's face to put them together]
(lord Mictlan)-Ah you think of everything, my amor.[lord Mictlan grins and turns around and summons his sword to sacrifice Maya]
Zatz peaks from behind his father's legs to get a better look at what was happening not knowing he had just gotten betrothed to his future wife the warrior of Death... Lord Mictlan turns around to grab Maya but Lady Micte stops him

(Lady Micte)-Oh yes. [she moves his hand away lightly] Sacrificing her now...would increase your power, my love.-But not as much as it would...

(lord Mictlan)-Huh?

[Maya starts babbling, and laughing]

(Lady Micte)-...if you sacrifice her when she was grown.

(Lord Mictlan)You know, sacrifices are more effective when they're ripe.

(Lady Micte)-Why don't you wait, my sweet? I'll send her to the land of the living. -let the Tecas raise her and her sister. You can have her when she's, says, 15, and (Y/n) and Zatz can get married on their 15 birthday if the God of bats accepts the proposal.

(Lord Mictlan) Camazotz what do you think of this offer between Zatz and (Y/n)'s arranged marriage?[lord Mictlan brings forth Zatz which brings worry to his father's eyes but he notices that he put Zatz and (Y/n) to play with each other]

(The God of Bats Camazotz)---I.... a-cc-ept your humble offer my lord

[He says bowing a bit to show respect but still keeping an eye on his son to make sure he's fine. He walks forward to grab his son and (Y/n) so they can continue playing with each other a little bit near him. Lady Micte reassures him that everything was going to be fine. (Y/n) and Zatz continues playing while (Y/n) crawls towards Zatz so she can touch his pale white hair and she started to smile and laugh at her accomplishment. Zatz got his mother's bracelet and gave it to (Y/n). As she held it and looked at the puma symbol and proceeded to hug the bracelet and give it back to Zatz. Zatz tried to pronounce (Y/n)'s name but could only say the first letter of her name. The two kept playing together for a while smiling and giggling.]

(Lord Mictlan) Great, it's official Zatz and (Y/n) will get married on their 15 birthday. [Mictlan turns his direction to his wife the goddess of death]

(Lord Mictlan) As for the other offspring, we'll give the Tecas plenty of time to fall in love with her... Before we rip it away for my sacrifice

(Lady Micte) [Lady Micte laughs] My husband, you are the master of inflicting pain.

(Lord Mictlan) Just think [he laughs thinking about his doing]...the Tecas will have to do all the work of raising them.

(Lady Micte)They will be like our servants [Lady Micte said smiling]

(Lord Mictlan)hmm...And it will never know -...Who its true mother is -You will be nothing to them. Nothing. Nothing at all. [lord Mictlan said while forcing his wife to look at him straight into his eyes]

(Lady Micte) Magnifico -[she spoke hesitantly] I'll send her off now. Camazotz will you join me so I get there safely oh and bring Zatz so (Y/n) isn't this annoyingly sad [she grabs Maya and levitates (Y/n) away from Zatz and she started to feel sad and so did Zatz as he started reaching out to (Y/n) to grab her. But this wasn't going to be their last in counter yet it was only a matter of time lady Micte started flying towards the door trying her best not to look at her kids until she was out of the throne room. As soon as she got out of the room she fell to the ground and started to cry and hug her babies.]

(Lady Micte) Oh, my babies...am so s-orry I promise to visit you two every day of your birth I will be there for the two of you. (Y/n) you'll be safe with Zatz I promise to get you back on your 10th date of birth.

(God of Bats Camazotz) My lady am afraid we need to hurry in case Lord Mictlan changes his mind

[Lady Micte nodded her head and got up and started to walk away from that room]

(Lady Micte) I am sorry for forcing you to say yes to the betrothal but it was the only way of saving (Y/n) and giving you time with your plan

[Camazotz grew nervously]

(God of Bats Camazotz) My lady, I have no plan that even has a chance at working. As for Zatz and (Y/n)'s arranged marriage, it'll be fine they will be happy together as long as we keep them together. I will have bats nearby her at all times to ensure her safety will she know about her marriage?

(Lady Micte) I will inform her myself on her 12th day of birth. I will tell her am her true mother she will have extraordinary powers with both nature and death. She'll have to keep it a secret from Maya but she'll need to know to be ready in her 15 days of birth. I will take her back to the underworld so she and Zatz can get to know each other when they're older. We can only wish them the best for their future.

(God of Bats Camazotz) let's give The twins to the forest spirits so they may find the Teca King and Queen. [Lady Micte nodded and found a forest dear and said her goodbyes and kissed her daughter's forehead and started tearing up]

      Lady Micte entrusted them with the forest spirits to find the King and Queen of Teca we're strolling the forest with their triplets lady Micte was miserable giving up her daughters but she knew that she was giving them their best chance of survival and knew they would see each other soon.

||Zatz x (Fem) Reader|| Maya and the ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now