Chapter 2 - 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡 𝐃𝐚𝐲

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Ethan : Let's go for a walk?
Anne Marie : Sure!
Audrey : I'm gonna go get a drink. Do you want anything?
Ethan : Nah
Anne Marie : Cocktail
Audrey : I'll catch up to you guys.
Ethan : So tell me, how did you meet her?
Anne Marie : Audrey? I met her in high school.
Ethan : I'm surprised you're friends with her. She's crazy!
Anne Marie : -laugh- She's a handful but we connect well. I don't have much friends. I technically only have her.
Ethan : You can consider me your friend too. We're going to be family now. Kinda!
Anne Marie : Hehe yeah
Ethan : So how do you feel about this situation?
Anne Marie : I mean, Jacob is a nice guy and I guess they do deserve to move on. Can I ask what happened with your mom?
Ethan : She passed away in a car accident. I was only three. I don't remember much honestly. What about you?
Anne Marie : My father died two years ago.
Ethan : Oh shit I'm sorry....your mom moved on soon don't you think?
Anne Marie : Maybe but It's her life. She can do whatever she wants..
Ethan : Were you close with your dad?
Anne Marie : Very! My dad was loving. He always supported me in everything. One the other hand my mom, well, it's complicated. We've always had a rocky relationship. What about you?
Ethan : My dad and I are very close. No matter how busy we get, we always make sure to have time for each other.
Anne Marie : Tell my mom that. She's always busy.
Ethan : Hey where's Audrey?
Anne Marie : Hm...


Audrey : Two cocktails please!
Bartender : Coming right up.
Giovanni : Audrey?
Audrey : And who are you?
Giovanni : Anne Marie's biological father.
Audrey : What?! No her father's name was Mack Davis.
Giovanni : What if I tell you he's not her biological father?
Audrey : You'll tell me the whole story?
Giovanni : I need your help so yes.
Audrey : Okay....start.
Giovanni : Well-

Anne Marie : Where's my mom?
Jacob : She went to get something from the car.
Anne Marie : Oh
Ethan : I'll be back! -walks away-
Jacob : So...are you going to be a bridesmaid?
Anne Marie : No
Jacob : No?!
Anne Marie : My mom chose other people.
Jacob : I'm shocked

Anne Marie
Oh no this man doesn't know who my mother really is. Poor guy..

Anne Marie : My mom is going to have her other friends as bridesmaids so I didn't really fit in.
Jacob : But you're her daughter. You should be at front.
Anne Marie : My mom is complicated and picky.
Jacob : She's a perfectionist I know. I still think you should be the lead of the bridesmaids as her daughter.
Anne Marie : Hehe you think?
Jacob : I've seen it before.
Anne Marie : Can I ask you something?
Jacob : Sure
Anne Marie : With all due respect. How old are you? You look younger than my mom.
Jacob : I'm forty
Anne Marie : I could've sworn you were thirty five tops..
Jacob : Thank you but no I'm older.
Anne Marie : Wow
Jacob : -laugh- I'll never forget that.
Anne Marie : -smile-

Anne Marie
Jacob and I kept talking for awhile more while we waited for the rest to come back.

Audrey : Shit what a story..
Giovanni : Do you believe me now?
Audrey : Yeah especially since I know Jenna very well.
Giovanni : So will you help me?
Audrey : Why not!
Giovanni : Thank you! Here's my number. I'll call you to let you know what we do next.
Audrey : Wait you never told me your name.
Giovanni : Oh right, Giovanni Romano.
Audrey : That name screams power.
Giovanni : You say that because you already know who I am.
Audrey : I guess.
Giovanni : Thank you for listening I'll call you soon.

Is that...

Jenna : Audrey!!
Audrey : Oh hey!
Jenna : What were you doing with that man?!
Audrey : You're not my mother. I don't owe you explanations.
Jenna : Audrey I'm serious.
Audrey : So am I.
Jenna : Whatever you're doing, be careful. He's not who you think he is.
Audrey : Oh don't worry. I can read people very well. -walks away-
Jenna : Giovanni...

Anne Marie : You know how to surf?!
Jacob : Very well!
Anne Marie : I'm not leaving this beach until I see you surfing!
Jacob : i'll make sure to give you a show.
Audrey : I'm back! Hers's your drink.
Anne Marie : Thanks! Where were you?
Audrey : I bumped into someone.
Anne Marie : Who?
Audrey : An old friend.  Anyway- where's Reynolds Jr?
Anne Marie : No clue
Audrey : Oh look he's with two girls. Why am I so surprised?
Jacob : -laugh-
Audrey : He didn't get that from you did he?
Jacob : No
Audrey : Hm
Jenna : Sorry, I bumped into an old friend.
Anne Marie : Did you know Jacob knows how to surf?
Jenna : You do?
Audrey : There's no fucking way.
Jacob : I do know how to surf.
Audrey : I only believe what I see.
Jacob : You'll see right now then.
Ethan : I'm back!
Audrey : Do you know how to surf?
Ethan : No but my dad does.
Jacob : I'll show you.

Anne Marie
He went to get a board then headed to the water. We all walked over to watch him.

Audrey : -whisper- You're staring the most.
Anne Marie : Audrey stop..
Audrey : Tell me-
Anne Marie : Whatever it is no!
Audrey : ....Okay I'll ask another time.

Anne Marie
Audrey makes me think of things I shouldn't. She's forcing me to look at Jacob in another way. She can get really pushy sometimes.

I have to admit, he's really good at surging. I really underestimated him. I wonder what else he can do.

We did some other activities as a whole family. We all had a blast! Except my mom. She's really annoying. She needs to loosen up.


Jacob : This was fun wasn't it?
Anne Marie : I had a good time.
Jenna : Next time, we should go to a museum or the theatre.
Audrey : The nutcracker? That's boring!
Ethan : Who's down to go to the club?
Audrey : Right now?
Ethan : Yeah!
Audrey : Let's go!!
Anne Marie : Oh no..
Ethan : Come with Anne Marie?
Anne Marie : It's not my scene..
Audrey : Oh come on!! It'll be fun!
Anne Marie : I don't like getting drunk like you.
Audrey : You don't have to get drunk if you don't want to. It's all about the dancing!
Anne Marie : I'm tired..
Ethan : Come on! Loosen up!

Anne Marie
And I was just judging my mom for being boring..

Anne Marie : Fine
Jacob : And how are you all going to go?
Ethan : Why don't you go with Jenna and I'll drive your car.
Jacob : I don't want you driving drunk!
Audrey : And he's definitely getting drunk.
Anne Marie : I'll drive back. I don't plan on getting drunk.
Jacob : That's a better idea. I trust you,
Ethan : Ight let's go!!

To be continued....

𝑴𝒚 𝑺𝒕𝒆𝒑 𝒇𝒂𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓Where stories live. Discover now