Chapter 2: Appraisal-sama your Useless!

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Shun POV:

[Given the circumstances, maybe it really was one of my arachnid parents?
I don't know the specifics of spider biology, but I don't think it's that unusual in nature for animals to eat their young.]

"How can they be cruel" I spat out those words still couldn't believe about how can a parent eat her younglings.

"It's in their instincts, what can you do?" Said Katia who's sitting beside me.

"But still" I believe that the parents should raise their children in a good way. If it's Juliusni-sama he also think that way right?

[The other spiders were clearly cannibalistic right from birth, so the parent eating its children shouldn't be all that surprising.
If that giant spider was one of my parents, I wonder if that means I'll be that size, too, someday?]

"Come to think with it, did you evolve into one too Wakaba?" Asked Fei to the white girl and looked at her curiously.

Wakaba-san only shook her head and say nothing.

[Thinking about it makes me feel a little sick.]

"Yeah right , I can't imagine Master being a big ass spider chasing after me every time she's drunk" Sophia said as her body shivered at imagining those thoughts.

I noticed this exchange all the time and I'm always confused why does Sophia calls Wakaba-san a Master? Seriously what's the relationship between those two?


Third Person POV:

[Okay, forget that part. Let's get back on track.
Let's see. Really, there's one thing that I'm particularly hung up on.
Specifically, the fact that I'm a monster.
The whole "reincarnation" genre is pretty popular in web novels and stuff right now, so I guess it isn't that alien an idea.
Getting reincarnated as a monster, I mean.]

"I got reincarnated as a monster too you know additionally as an earth wyrm I mean" Fei revealed her monster race.

"Good for you then Shinohara-san, as for me.....I got reincarnated as a lowly goblin you know for your information." Said Wrath with some jealousy in his voice and also revealed his monster race.

"What!? Is that true Sasajima-kun? Then what about Sp-Negishi?" Fei almost referred Sophia as Spooky and now the latter's glaring daggers at her.

"Sophia" Sophia spoked angrily.

"What?" Fei asked flustered about Sophia.

"Call me Sophia, I already throw that name and my race is a Proginator Vampire." Sophia answered while glaring.

"Ok, sorry" Fei twitch at a moment and started apologizing at low volume.

[So the question is: Am I a normal Earth species, or is this not Earth at all but a parallel world, where I've been reborn as a beast?
Judging by that huge spider from before, my guess would lean toward the latter, but then the difficulty level of surviving here would probably go way up.
This isn't getting me anywhere. I don't have enough information to parse what's going on.
Is this Earth or not? Am I a monster or just a normal spider?]

"No it is not and your a spider monster" Wrath said in a jokingly manner trying to make Sophia calm down.

[If this is a different world, what kind of world is it?
There's a mountain of things I want to know, but I have no way of finding out.
Ahh, if only this were a novel or something, I'd probably have an Appraisal skill that would help me figure it out... <Number of skill points currently in possession: 100. Number of skill points required to acquire skill [Appraisal LV 1]: 100. Acquire skill?>]

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