"Will! Nick!" Noelle shouts for her brothers when she sees the bus.

"Kurt? Anybody?!" Ziggy shouts at the bus of campers.

But no answer, just the view of the bus leaving the camp and everyone else behind.

"Fuck." Ziggy sighs.

Noelle looks around but suddenly she freezes when she sees it, there's no fucking way. She grab's Ziggy's arm and points in the woods. "He's back."

Ziggy's eyes widened, "What? I thought you killed him."

"I thought I did too!" She exclaims as she sees Tommy marching towards them with the axe in hand, "Shit! Come on!"

The two of them rush towards the Mess Hall and when they get inside Ziggy locks the door behind them, "What do we do now?"

"I don't know, do you have any ideas?"

"We could throw him off our trail, play some loud music so he can't hear us?" Ziggy suggested.

Noelle nods panting heavily, "Yeah, maybe that will work." Then they both rush over to the radio and Noelle turns it on full volume as Ziggy presses play. Then they rush to the kitchen as Carry On Wayward Son plays.

Ironic that her favorite song is being played when she's probably gonna die, atleast the last song she will probably ever hear is gonna be a good one.

The both of them rush to the island counter and look through the knife drawer, "This probably won't kill him but what I did with the axe slowed him down. That's the best we can do." She says as she grabs a knife.

Ziggy grabs the sharpest one herself, then she nods. "Yeah, come on."

The both of them rush into the supply closet and lock the door behind them. They hide in the corner of the room in the pitch blackness and they wait for Tommy to find them, because at this point they know he eventually will find them.

She hears the sound of wood smashing and she knows it's Tommy with the axe, now that she thinks about it she really shouldn't have left the axe back at the cabin. But in her defense she thought she had just killed a person and wasn't exactly thinking straight.

She hears the sound of the knob jiggling and she tightens the knife in her hand as Tommy makes his way into the closet. As he walks further she looks over at Ziggy and she nods, the both of them creep quietly behind Tommy but then the music stops.


Tommy turns around and Ziggy panics and stabs him in his chest but it doesn't stop him like they thought it would, it only seems to make him angrier. He punches Ziggy in the face and Noelle tries to stab him herself, but he just grabs her wrist and tosses her against the shelves.

She falls to the ground with a grunt as her back practically screams in pain.

But then he goes after Ziggy, she sees her being choked against one of the shelves and she instantly goes into panic mode. She looks around the room as Ziggy chokes in his hold and then she sees brown bags of potatoes.

She quickly dumps out the potatoes inside the bag and she instantly jumps onto Tommy's back and pulls the bag over his head. Then she pulls as hard as she can making him release Ziggy and dropping her to the ground.

Ziggy gets up and the both of them pulls the back of the bag as Tommy scrambled on the floor, the two of them are pulling as hard as they can making sure to cut off his air supply.

But unfortunately, he's stronger than both of them and he reels his head back managing to knock down both of them.

They both scrambled onto the ground crawling back as they watch him stand up with the axe under the light bulb, he turns around and now he looks more terrifying than he did before with the bag practically attached to his head.

That is not what they meant to do, so that's great.

Noelle doesn't waste time as she grabs Ziggy's hand and stumbles out of the kitchen. But suddenly they both get a hard shove from Tommy and they fall to the kitchen floor with a thump, they both turn on their backs as he holds up the axe and they scramble back huddling together.

And Noelle thinks, this is it. This is how I die, by axe murderer slaughter.

But suddenly, Tommy freezes.

And then she sees who the cause of it was, it was Ziggy's older sister Cindy with a knife in her hand. She stabbed him in the back which made him turn towards her instead of the both of them on the floor.

Noelle then realizes how much of a hard moment this must be for Cindy, to have to be on the opposite side of her boyfriend like this.

But she's doing it anyway, because she has to protect her sister.

And so, she stabs him in the chest, over and over. "Fuck... you!" She grunts as she stabs him again and again. Then Tommy drops to the floor, but Noelle is still unsure whether he's dead this time or not.

"You swore." Ziggy said as her chest heaved up and down.

"It's becoming a habit." Cindy said as she panted.

Noelle smiles as Ziggy and her sister finally embrace eachother, she's really happy that they ended up reunited after all. She gives them moment to talk and gets up and walks to the corner of the kitchen, but she makes sure to keep her eyes on the possibly undead body of Counselor Tommy.

Suddenly, she hears a sound coming from the open vent next to her. She looks over at Cindy and Ziggy and they both are looking over there too. Then Cindy walks over, "Noelle, go stand over there just incase." Noelle nods and walks over to Ziggy who grabs her arm from thw ground, they both watch the vent as Cindy leans over it.

"Hey, snitch." She hears a voice say.

"What took you so long?" Cindy asked as she leaned over and helped the person out, when she sees them she recognizes them as Alice.

Noelle looks over at Ziggy on the ground and she pulls her up, "Are you okay?" She cups her face looking for any injuries, "He didn't hurt you too bad, did he?" She checks her throat and frowns deeply at the bruises forming there. "Oh, Zig."

Ziggy grabs her wrist, "It's okay, it only hurts when I talk."

"So then stop talking." Noelle says as her eyes fill with tears.

Ziggy then pulls her into her arms and holds her tight, Noelle wraps her around Ziggy's waist and cries into her shoulder. "He almost k—killed you. I almost lost y—you." Ziggy rubs soothing circles into her back.

"But you didn't." Ziggy replies gently as she strokes her hair, "I'm right here, okay?"

Noelle nods slowly and pulls away, "Okay." She nods slowly, "We're gonna be okay."

Then Cindy walks over with Alice hobbling next to her, "Guys, there's something we need to tell you."

Noelle glances over at Ziggy before they both look at Cindy once more.

Oh great, what else could this shit show of a night bring them?

───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰ ───

We're at the home stretch of the book guys, these chapters are really short for a reason to make it as long as possible but since it's so easy to write I'm just gonna finish it up right now

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We're at the home stretch of the book guys, these chapters are really short for a reason to make it as long as possible but since it's so easy to write I'm just gonna finish it up right now.

So i'll see you guys in about 30 minutes or so with the last chapter!

See you there!


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