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2. Highlight your talents

If you do something really well - take amazing photos, throw and catch like a professional baseball player or cook circles around any Iron Chef - don't be afraid to show off your skills. Being good at something helps you stand apart from the pack and makes you more intriguing to guys, plus your skills help boost your confidence - another trait guys gravitate toward. There's no need to be overly boastful but do make sure to let him know what you're capable of.

Pfft, what is this talent you speak of?



"What are my talents?"


"What are my talents?"

"Um, I don't know? Aren't you supposed to know your own talent?"

Scoffing at her reply, I stood up from the couch to face her, "Do I even have any talents?"

"'Course you do, Lana. You're a badass at cooking."

Cooking? Well, I'm decent a cook .... I think.

"Do you think I should invite Javi over and I'll cook for him?"

Paulina stood up from her spot on the couch and walked to her room, only stopping in front of the door, "I'll just stay in my room not making any noises and pretend I don't exist." That means yes.

Time to get shit done.


Well, dinner was a disaster. 6 things went wrong tonight.

How ironic, I'm using tips from '6 Ways to Get A Guy' and 6 things went wrong while doing so.

First, the steak was undercooked. Thanks for making me believe I'm good at cooking Paulina. I swear after me and Javi are together, he's the one cooking!

Second, it turns out the gravy I made was bland. These were Javi's exact words, "What is this? Why does it taste like my grandma's feet?" Words could not describe how much I wanted the ground to swallow me. Yup, it was that bad. But hey, 'embarrassing' is my middle name.

Third, I found Paulina's cat, Cactus shitting on the carpet. On the effing carpet. Cactus, you're adorable and you're my favorite animal and all but, really?! Couldn't you have pooped in your litter box? Javi helped me clean the carpet though (brownie points for him). I am thanking every god in every religion that Javi adored animals.

Fourth, I spilled wine. Correction, I spilled wine on Javi's pants. I gasped so loudly I thought astronauts in space could hear me. I kept apologizing to him over and over.

Fifth, remember how I said I spilled wine on Javi? Well he went to the bathroom to clean up. And you know what? I left my bra hanging on the door handle. Needless to say, I was way mortified than he was.

Sixth, I kissed him on the cheek when he was about to leave. And he didn't kiss mine back. I kept telling myself it was probably because he was too shocked and flustered to kiss back, but ... I don't think so. I wanted to beat myself up so much, I shouldn't have kissed his cheek! I should've waited for him to make the first move.

I've screwed up too many times. I was determined to make sure I didn't mess up the 4 other steps. I'm not giving up, no way I'm quitting (mother always told me once my heart was set on something I would never stop until I got what I wanted.)


So, do you think Solana will succeed and end up with Javi?

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