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1. Take interests in his hobbies

One of the best things you can do to keep a guy interested is to take an active interest in something he loves to do.

Javis's hobby? Football, obviously. But since Javi is out due to an injury maybe we can watch his teams match? I'll give my cousin a call and see if he can help.

Solana: Heyy favorite cousin! How are ya?

Mario: Okay, what do you want Lana? And I'm good thanks.

Solana: I need you to do me a favor

Mario: Nope, no, nein! The last time I did you a favor a guy tried to kiss me! To make matters worse AK witnessed the whole thing.

Solana: ... Please?

Mario: I'm- I .... Fine. What do you want?

Solana: I want you to set me up on a date with your team mate, Javi Martinez. And I want the date to be at your ma- STOP LAUGHING GÖTZE! I'm serious. Right, at your match.

Mario: But you don't know jack shit about football Lana, don't embarrass yourself. Spare me from secondhand embarrassment, please.

Solana: I DO TOO! I feel highly offended Mario, Spending the summer with you has taught me a lot of things, don't underestimate me.

Mario: Oh man, this is gonna be a sight to see. Alright, consider it done. I'll text you the details, ja? Tschüss!


"Hola Solana, it's been awhile hasn't it?" Javi smiled at me extending his arms to pull me into a hug. He. Is. Hugging. Me. I think I'm having heart palpitations, CALL AN AMBULANCE.

"Halo Javi- Oh! The match is starting come sit!" I said pulling on his arm. Cringe. Was I too desperate being touchy?

Javi raised an eyebrow, "You actually enjoy football?"

"Of course I do, I mean Mario Götze is my baby cousin, gotta keep up with him."

"Oh, last time you came to pick Mario up you were shouting about how much you despise it." Javi said, an amused expression on his face.

"Rubbish- Oh we've got hold of the ball." I said pointing to a player on the field.

He shook his head then threw his head back in laughter. "Dios mio, ah you are precious."

"Huh?" I feel embarrassed, I don't even know what I did wrong!

"Solana, that player wasn't even our team, it was the opposing team."

I am a failure. "Oh, oh yeah I- I knew that! Pssh yeah."

I just kept my mouth shut in fear of embarrassing my self further more. I cheered when the crowd cheered, I even cheered for the wrong team at one point earning weird stares from the crowd around me. Javi? Well, at least he was a sweetheart. He explained how the game goes, which players were on our team, and how the ref was a dum dum.

I think I did pretty well executing the first step. Take interest in his hobbies. Oh who am I kidding? Mario was right, I messed up. But I was determined not to fuck up the other steps.


"Hm yes?"

"Do you want to hang out some other time? I can give you my number, just call me whenever."

Smiling, Javi handed me his phone, "I'd love to."



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