6 ways to get a guy

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If you've finally caught the eye of your crush, we know you're going to want to hang onto him. But getting a guy interested and keeping him interested are two totally different things. To help you make sure you keep your newest catch on the line, we've come up with a few simple strategies. Read on to find out how to make sure your new man sticks around.

I stared at the computer screen in front of me contemplating whether to go on with the plan or bail. I felt like a desperate little kid begging their parents to buy them candy.

But if I don't do anything he'll slip away from my fingers. I'm not going to let that happen.

I'm doing this. I, Solana Himmel will be Javi Martinez's girlfriend in two weeks time.

So i got these steps off sheknows.com, yknow my mum caught me reading from this website and trust me it was a hard to explain to her that it was just for a story, i dont think she believes me tho bc she keeps trying to drop "subtle" hints to me how to get a guy interestes lmaoo no mom no.

this is going to be a short story, i have every part pre-written so i'll update everyday.
hope ya'll enjoy this!

imma dedicate this to szczesnys jagielka tomasrosicky germanynt teamfcb bc theyre awesome ^^

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