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Hi and welcome to my second book. So you are the Feline origin below shows what your strengths and weaknesses . This is she/her pronouns so I am sorry if you don't go by those pronouns.

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This origin was the only one that was not taken and also I might not post anything this month but at the middle of the month ya because this is the last 5 hours I have my WiFi byee

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This origin was the only one that was not taken and also I might not post anything this month but at the middle of the month ya because this is the last 5 hours I have my WiFi byee

Cat art of the week:
l|_\ \\
|口|\\  ∧∽∧
|口| \\(   ・ω・)
|口|  \⊂   つ
|口|    \\つつ\
|口|    \|  \|
⌒""~ ̄""~⌒゛゛"" ̄ ̄ ̄
Stay healthy and stay safe ily guys


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