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I looked down as I walked on the cold metal floor following a guard. I looked at my hands. Five new bruises. This told me I should live five more days. Everyday I would get more bruises. More motivation to live. I blamed myself for volunteering for Hydra. I blamed myself for my family's death. I volunteered thinking I would die. These experiments were to create someone who could protect the country. Atleast I would die in an effort to become someone who could protect the people but here I was alive following a guard for more experiments.

There was something poking at my skin. It was sort of a choker around your neck that electrocuted you every time you were violent. I didn't complain because the last time I did I found myself looking for crumbs in my cell to keep myself full for a week.

I blinked out of my stupor when I heard a door opening. I took a deep breath and entered. I looked around. There was a person there. A male. He seemed my age with platinum blonde greyish hair. I looked to the left and gasped in disbelief and disgust. I felt a little tingle in my neck. I promise, I'm not being violent. A body. It was a girl. She looked 12. She was very close to the corner. Like she was kicked or perhaps pushed there. I looked at her body. I wasn't crying. Seeing a dead body in the experiment rooms were too common.(as common as seeing james corden in a movie musical) Why did they have to do this? I was pushed along quite harshly by a guard towards the guy.

I sat down in front of him. He was emotionless. Everyone here was. Too tired to cry or scream.
"y/n l/n look up to the screen." God, the same thing every time. I looked up slowly into the screen.

I knew exactly what they were going to ask me to do. "Feel his pain." I hated that. I had a ability that when I touched someone I felt their pain sort of absorbed it temporarily. It helped me know their weakness. Everytime I did this I learnt new stories, felt more pain.

"Feel his pain." I heard the guy behind the glass say.

I lifted up my hands hesitantly and touched his head. I felt a sharp pain hitting every part of my body. Like needles piercing into my skin. There was a scene replaying in my head.

"Season 2, epsiode 21"

"Dick van dyne again?! Always "sitcom, sitcom, sitco-"

"What is shenanigan again?"

"Season 2, episo-"

"Shenanigan is like problem , but more silly than scary-"

"Okay Papa start it for-"

"Starring Dick Van Dyne and Mary Tyl-"

Then, explosion. Everything was breaking, falling apart. There was a hole in the ground and the parnets immediately fell in.

(Dick Van Dyne theme playing in the background)

Debris fallling.



Another bomb fell but it just laid there.


I was tearing up. His pain was unbearable yet he sat there emotionless. How?

"Wanda don't!"

I quickly pulled my hands back. I was shaking. I quickly pinched myself as if that was any help. The voices kept replaying in my head. I wiped my tears on my sleeve and looked up at him. His eyes opened and he looked a little less tense. Thank me, blondie.

The door opened and a stretcher was carried in. The girl. They put her on the stretcher. I saw her hand twitch a little. I felt hope but then she laid there again not moving. The guards moved out with the body.

I stared back at the blonde. We were sorta having a staring contest but the voices kept replaying. I used all the energy in me to keep the tears in like I've done the past few years.

Rule no.1

Don't cry. Maybe don't cry too much.

to the one person that reads this,
thank you SO SO SO much for reading this chapter
i'm not gonna promise for daily updates but i promise to try
and make sure to stay safe

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