School fight

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Peter was eating lunch at school. But instead of the usual rambling about LEGOs and Star wars with his friend, he was quiet, because of the headache killing him since he woke up. He just wanted to go home and sleep, and the only way he could survive the rest of the day was if no one talked to him. Of course, that didn't happen.

"Hey Penis !" Flash shouted, walking in the cafeteria, "Sitting alone today ? Did your little friends realize what a loser you are and finally ditch you ?"

Peter ignored him, as usual. Flash would normally throw a few more insults at him, then leave him alone for the rest of the day. But of course, that didn't happen.

"Hey ! Look at me when I'm talking to you Parker." He slammed his hands on the table, "Didn't your parents teach you that ? Oh wait, they're dead."

Peter clenched his fists.

"I bet they crashed that plane on purpose, they'd rather die than have you as a son. Can't say I blame them-"

"You know what Flash ?" Peter stood up abruptly, surprising the students in the cafeteria. "You think you're so superior to everyone here. Big, strong and rich Flash. But the truth is, you're just a piece of-"

He didn't have time to finish his sentence before the bully punched him in the face. It wasn't a first, but Peter was so done this time. He pushed Flash, without thinking of his super-strength, and sent him flying across the room. That's when he realized his mistake and his face turned into a mortified expression. 

"Mr Parker and Mr Thompson to the principal's office, right now !" a teacher yelled.


The two boys were now waiting in the office. The principal lectured them and called their parents, so they could decide of a fair punishment. His aunt couldn't come because of work so he called his second emergency contact. Peter didn't even know he had one. Mr and Mrs Thompson arrived 5 minutes later and stood behind their son, glaring daggers at Peter.

"Can we start already ? I have an important meeting in 30 minutes." Mr Thompson asked. "What are we even waiting for ? Eugene told me this boy doesn't have any parents."

Principal Morita looked at Peter apologetically and sighed. "I guess we can-"

"What ? Start without me ?" Tony Stark entered the room, taking off his sunglasses, "I'm honestly hurt Mr Principal."

The Thompsons' jaws hit the floor and the principal's eyes widened.

"M-Mr Stark," he stuttered, "W-What are you doing here ?"

"I believe you called me, saying a bully punched my kid. Now, is this true Pete ? Wait, I don't think I need an answer, the black eye speaks for itself."

"Uh, yes, Eugene here punched Peter, but then, Peter pushed him rather violently." At this, Peter looked down, ashamed.

"So Eugene started it ?" Flash decided it was the perfect moment to play the victim.

"That's not true," he started to cry, "I only punched him because he was insulting me ! He called me a piece of shit." 

"This is unacceptable ! I demand that you suspend this boy immediately." Mrs Thompson screeched.

"Peter would never do that." Tony argued.

"I did." It was almost a whisper, but everyone heard it, "I did call him that."

"AH ! He just confessed it."

"I want the video footage." Tony didn't believe him, "FRIDAY, give me the video footage."

"Here you go, sir."

After watching the video, Tony was mad. He got Flash expelled and threatened his parents with a lawsuit. He then wrote a very, very long mail to the teachers and to the principal saying they would immediately get fired if they ever let a student get bullied again. 

Peter Parker one shots // ft. irondad and the avengersUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum